This research used samples and data provided by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The ODP is sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and participating countries under the management of Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI), Inc. Funding for this research was provided by a JOI/USSSP postcruise research grant. S.A. Nathan thanks the crew, marine technicians, and the entire Shipboard Scientific Party of ODP Leg 184. In particular, he thanks fellow "midnight to noon" paleontology laboratory partner Dr. Jih-Ping Shyu for his professional support and enjoyable company. Thanks also to ODP Publication Services staff members Gigi Delgado and Lorri Peters and to Celine Suarez and Erin Gillis for their laboratory assistance. This paper benefited from careful reviews by William Berggren (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Peter Blum (ODP), William Chaisson (University of Rochester), and Richard Norris (Scripps Institution of Oceanography).