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Figure F6. Basement stratigraphy and unit boundaries for Hole 801C. Depths are in meters below seafloor to the top of each core. Purple = flows >1 m thick; pale green = pillows or flows between 50 cm and 1 m thick; blue = pillows <50 cm thick; dark green = breccia-dominated intervals; brown = sediments and recrystallized interpillow material; yellow = hydrothermal units; and peach = debris from the hole, Core 185-801C-13R only. Where subunits or cooling units occur, they are represented by a line and/or a change in lithology in the lithology/structure column. Data for Cores 1R-12R were collected during Leg 129, with some subunits added (in Units 9, 11, 13, 15, 20, and 24) after further observations were made during Leg 185. Data for Cores 13R through 52M were collected during Leg 185. All the data used to compile this figure are included in Table T4.

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