Table T2. Available command set for the CRM, DM24s, SAM, and BOB module.

Resulting actions
CRM available command set
ok-1 Enable FORTH vocabulary
.tilt Tiltmeter output display that figures in the 10-bit range
?dtm List strainmeter status (power supply voltage measurement)
.bauds Lists all the settings of baud rate for each serial port
@rtc .rtc Fetch rtc setting and print rtc
port# baud# baud To change baud rate
id set-id Set system's ID
streams? List all the streams being received with the port numbers
open systemID streamID(head 4characters) Open a terminal session of foreign system using 'pass-thru'
close Close the pass-thru terminal session
.ids Show what instrument currently talking to
In the following commands, $$$ is one of { pmd obh sam tilt dtm1 dtm2 dtm3 }:
$$$ power-up
$$$ power-down

Power up/down each of the components

"Tilt" is for tilt motor driving circuit
$$$ ?power Query PDM status for the component
.power Display the voltage and current readings in this order: input volts obh dtm1 dtm2 dtm3 pmd tilt (motors) sam
open1/close1 Open/close valve 1
open2/close2 Open/close valve 2
nn mins-delay Set the start-up delay to 'nn' min (default is 20 min)
yy mm dd hh mm ss set-rtc Set RTC clock for time stamp
2 ~protect Disarm protection of the flash memory
save-cmos Save CMOS memory in the flash memory (EEPROM)
re-sync on Resynchronize the clock to the next GPS 1 pps
auto-trim Estimation of clock oscillator trimming coefficient start
interval on Disable auto-calibration
complete ? Shows current status of clock synchronization
watch ? Shows what type of diagnostic message to print
2 gps-type Set time reference to Garmin NMEA GPS
3 gps-type Set time reference to stream sync
h8upload In boot loader prompt, upload system program from serial data link using 'xs3' PC program
OBH available command set
day month year d-day Set deploy date
.d-day Show deploy date setting
SAM available command set
.battery Query battery status
mmm battery-i Set battery charge current limit to 'mmm' mA
dir Display directory of the HDD records
chunk? Check number of memory chip installed (1 chip = 4 MB)
target#? Show current target HDD
n target Set current HDD
BOB available command
send-flash Begin data transfer stored in the flash file; sending command and closing terminal window prompts the data transfer to begin
.flash Shows read/write pointer of the flash file that results in an answer such as "writing 0/371... reading ?/?," where 0 = number of chips and 371 = number of blocks

Note: CRM = combiner/repeater module, OBHS = ocean borehole seismometer, SAM = storage acquisition module, BOB = back from ocean bottom module.