Two wash barrels were recovered from Site 1158. Cores 187-1158A-1W and 187-1158B-1W both contain severely drilling disturbed siliceous sediment and represent drilled intervals of 198.9 and 126.2 m, respectively. Most of the sediment occurs as fragmented drilling biscuits or drilling-induced pellets of densely packed clay of varying color. Overall, medium brown clay is most abundant, with less abundant dark brown and rare brownish gray clay. Both cores contain lithified, siliceous fragments, several centimeters in the longest dimension, that appear to be burrow casts; tabular fragments of the same material also occur in Core 187-1158B-1W. Several intervals (1-2 cm thick) of disseminated, very coarse sand-sized angular basalt chips are also present in Core 187-1158B-1W. The only carbonate identified, which effervesces slightly with dilute HCl (~5%-10%), was from the base of Core 187-1158B-1W.