One wash barrel was recovered from each of Holes 1164A and 1164B. Core 187-1164A-1W contains 75 cm of drilling-induced pellets and fragments of densely packed, light brown to very light brown carbonate-rich clay. From 0 to 7 cm, very fine clay pellets occur in a soupy clay matrix. From 7 to 43 cm is a very poorly sorted but normally graded interval with <1-mm to 3-cm clay fragments. Also present is a rounded piece of basalt (3 cm × 5 cm) embedded in the sediment. From 47 to 75 cm is another normally graded, poorly sorted interval of 0.5- to 3-cm drilling-induced clay fragments. Millimeter-sized chips of basalt, fresh basaltic glass, and palagonite, with and without attached indurated clay, are present throughout the section. These chips are sparse in the upper half of the section but more abundant in the lower half, where they account for 1%-2% of the core.

The wash barrel from Hole 1164B also contained carbonate-rich clay and basalt. From 0 to 29 cm in Section 187-1164B-1W-1 is soupy, very light brown carbonate-rich clay. This interval includes two 3-cm angular fragments of light brown, densely packed, stiff, carbonate-rich clay. From 29 to 39 cm in the same section is severely drilling-disturbed light brown carbonate-rich clay. The contact between these units is obscured by drilling disturbance. From 39 cm in Section 187-1164B-1W-1 to the bottom of the core-catcher section, several pieces of aphyric basalt are included in the sediment (see "Igneous Petrology").