Table T2. Summary of magnetic properties of the three rock types.
Magnetic Property
Pillow basalts
Massive basalts
Alteration or metamorphism Slightly or pervasively altered, low-temperature oxidation Nearly unaltered Highly altered, greenschist facies metamorphism
Wasp-waisted hysteresis loops Yes No No
Grain size (magnetic domain) SSD to PSD Larger PSD Larger PSD
Curie temperature 250°-400°C 170°-230°C ~370° and 580°C
Thermomagnetic curve Irreversible Almost reversible (in vacuum) Irreversible
Thermal demagnetization of low-T IRM Transition at ~55 K Transition at ~120 K (Verwey transition)
Magnetic minerals Titanomaghemite Titanomagnetite Magnetite + maghemite(?)

Note: PSD = pseudosingle domain, SSD = stable single domain.