Figure F27. Example of the cyclicity (at Milankovitch periodicities; see "Site 1165") observed in Site 1165 cores, with spectra of spectrophotometer-lightness and gamma-ray (GRA) bulk-density values. A. Three sections for Core 188-1165B-14H with core photo (left), model (center), and lightness curve. B. Lightness and bulk-density values, with maximum entropy spectra showing peaks (in depth) at periods of 4.27, 1.55, 0.95, and 0.72 m, equivalent to approximate time intervals of 93.7, 41.5, 20.8, and 18.2 k.y., respectively, at a sedimentation rate of 3.8 to 4.1 cm/k.y. CI = confidence interval.