Table T2. Lithostratigraphic summary, Site 1172.

units and subunits
Core intervals
IA Holocene to early Pliocene 1172A-1H to 8H;1172B-1H to 8H;1172C-1H to 8H Nannofossil foraminifer ooze, foraminifer-bearing nannofossil ooze, and nannofossil ooze 0-70.0 Foraminifers decrease downsection.
IB early Pliocene to late Miocene 1172A-8H to 30X;1172B-8H to 22H;1172C-8H to 18H Nannofossil ooze 70.0-271.2
IC early Miocene to middle Miocene 1172A-30X to 39X;1171D-1R Foraminifer-bearing nannofossil chalk, nannofossil chalk, clay- and foraminifer- bearing nannofossil chalk, foraminiferal-and clay-bearing nannofossil chalk 271.2-355.8 Increase in clay and foraminifers downsection.
II Oligocene to latest Eocene 1172A-39X;1171D-2R Diatom- and clay-bearing nannofossil chalk, silty diatomaceous claystone, spicules- and diatom-bearing clayey siltstone, diatom-bearing silty claystone, and diatomaceous clayey siltstone 355.8-361.1 Transitional unit. Major lithologic changes, very slow sedimentation rates (condensed section).
IIIA late to middle Eocene 1172A-39X to 47X;1171D-2R to 3R Diatom- and nannofossil-bearing claystone, diatom-bearing claystone, diatom claystone, and nannofossil-bearing diatom silty claystone 361.1-433.9 Increasing dissolution of calcareous microfossils.
IIIB middle Eocene 1172A-47X to 54X;1172D-4R Diatomaceous silty claystone and diatom-bearing silty claystone
433.9-503.4 Nearly total absence of calcareous microfossils.
IVA middle Eocene to early Paleocene 1172A-54X to 56X;1172D-4R to 24R-5 Claystone, nannofossil-bearing claystone, silty claystone, and organic-bearing silty claystone 503.4-696.0 Significant increase in glauconite just above the K/T boundary.
IVB Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) 1172D-24R-5 to 31R Claystone and silty claystone 696.0-766.5 Excellent preservation of calcareous microfossils in upper portion.