Species List and Taxonomic Remarks
Achilleodinium spp.
Achomosphaera alcicornu
Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum
Aiora fenestrata
Aireiana verrucosa
Algidasphaeridium minutum var. cezare
Algidasphaeridium minutum var. minutum
Alisocysta circumtabulata
Alisocysta margarita
Alisocysta reticulata group
Remarks: In this group, morphologically closely related forms assignable to Alisocysta reticulata, Cassidium spp., and Eisenackia crassitabulata are combined (cf. Crouch, 2001).
Alterbidinium acutulum
Alterbidinium distinctum
Alterbidinium spp. (pars)
Remarks: This group is combined with the morphologically closely related Diconodinium spp. in the case of Hole 1172D analyses. The latter differ from Alterbidinium spp. in being essentially acavate.
Apectodinium homomorphum
Arachnodinium antarcticum
Areoligera? semicirculata
Ataxiodinium choane
Batiacasphaera spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Bitectatodinium tepekiense
Brigantedinium? sp.
Remarks: This species is throughout comparable to species of Brigantedinium, but differs by having a distinct periphragm, in ideally preserved cases displaying a long, slender apical horn, besides two long and slender antapical horns. The length of the horns may be as much as four times the diameter of the central body. This outer wall is delicate and thin, and is often either removed though oxidation or mechanical disturbance or may be present as a wrinkled, poorly defined thin outer membrane. Since Brigantedinium species are considered acavate, the species is questionably attributed here to the genus. The species is most probably conspecific with forms depicted by Mohr (1990) as "Brigantedinium sp." from sediments with a similar age off Seymour Island (DSDP Site 696). The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Brigantedinium spp.
Cerebrocysta spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Cerodinium sp. A
Remarks: This taxon has a characteristic elongate shape with outward-pointing, short antapical horns and is here separated from other forms, grouped as Cerodinium spp. It is apparently restricted to the Maastrichtian interval, and is possibly conspecific with Broomea? sp. of Askin (1988a) and/or Cerodinium sp. A of Smith (1992). The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Cerodinium spp. (pars.)
Charlesdowniea coleothrypta
Charlesdowniea edwardsii group
Remarks: Forms whose morphology ranges between C. edwardsii and Charlesdowniea columna are combined in this group.
Circulodinium compactum
Cleistosphaeridium spp.
Cordosphaeridium fibrospinosum group
Cordosphaeridium minimum
Corrudinium spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Cribroperidinium sp. A.
Remarks: This taxon is morphologically comparable to Impagidinium waipawaensis of Wilson (1988), but differs by lacking perforations in the parasutural ridges. The dextral torsion warrants attribution to Cribroperidinium. The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Cribroperidinium spp. (pars.)
Dapsilidinium spp.
Deflandrea antarctica group
Remarks: Forms morphologically ranging between D. antarctica and Deflandrea cygniformis are combined in this group (essentially all forms with a distinct bell-shaped hypotract and short antapical horns).
Deflandrea convexa group
Remarks: Forms of Deflandrea characterized by a condensed periphragm are combined in this group.
Deflandrea phosphoritica group
Remarks: Forms of Deflandrea characterized by having a periphragm corresponding to the general periphragmal outline of D. phosphoritica are combined in this group, regardless of ornamentation of the periphragm and/or endophragm (e.g., including D. granulosa, D. granulata, D. robusta, D. spinosa, D. heterophlycta, and D. webbii)
Deflandrea sp. A
Remarks: This rather large species of Deflandrea may be characterized by a distinctly triangular endophragm and by having a relatively long apical and short antapical horns. It is possibly partly conspecific with Deflandrea prydzensis (manuscript name) of Truswell, 1997. The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Diconodinium spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Dinogymnium spp.
Dinopterygium sp. A
Remarks: This species of Dinopterygium closely resembles Dinoptergium cladoides pending the concept used of the latter. Further study will further elucidate morphological relationships. In any event, representatives of Dinopterygium sensu stricto have never been reported from deposits as young as latest Maastrichtian in age. The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Dinopterygium spp. (pars.)
Remarks: Specimens assigned to Dinopterygium spp. (pars.) are relatively small representatives of the genus. Many of these are assignable to "Dinopterygium cladoides sensu Morgenroth."
Diphyes colligerum
Diphyes ficusoides
Distatodinium spp.
Dracodinium waipawaense
Echinidinium spp.
Elytrocysta spp.
Enneadocysta partridgei
Enneadocysta pectiniformis
Enneadocysta sp. A
Remarks: This species of Enneadocysta closely resembles Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum but differs by having two antapical processes, distally united by a single perforated platform, and by being dorso-ventrally compressed. The latter features are more typical for Enneadocysta, although clearly the form (and other species of Enneadocysta) is/are gonyaulacoid sexiform rather than partiform as suggested by Stover and Williams (1995). The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Eocladopyxis spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Exochosphaeridium bifidum
Fibrocysta axialis
Florentinia mantellii
Gelatia inflata
Glaphyrocysta spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Hafniasphaera septata
Hemiplacophora semilunifera
Heteraulacacysta spp.
Histiocysta spp.
Homotryblium spp.
Hystrichokolpoma bullatum
Hystrichokolpoma eisenackii
Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae
Hystrichokolpoma spinosum
Hystrichokolpoma truncatum
Hystrichokolpoma sp. cf. Homotryblium oceanicum Wilpshaar et al., 1996
Hystrichosphaeridium truswelliae
Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum
Hystrichosphaeropsis spp.
Hystrichostrogylon spp.
Impagidinium spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Isabelidinium spp.
Kallosphaeridium spp.
Lejeunecysta spp.
Lingulodinium machaerophorum
Manumiella spp.
Melitasphaeridium pseudorecurvatum
Membranophoridium perforatum
Nematosphaeropsis spp.
Octodinium askiniae
Odontochitina operculata
Oligosphaeridium spp.
Operculodinium? sp. A
Remarks: This taxon is provisionally assigned to Operculodinium. This in view of it having only very short spines and a quasi-reticulate thick periphragm atypical of the genus. The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Operculodinium spp. (pars.)
Palaeocystodinium spp.
Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum
Paucisphaeridium spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Pentapharsodinium dalei cysts
Pentadinium laticinctum
Phelodinium kozlowskii
Phthanoperdinium echinatum group
Phthanoperidinium spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Polykrikos schwartzii
Polysphaeridium spp.
Pyxidinopsis spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Reticulatosphaera actinocoronata
Rottnestia borussica
Samlandia chlamydophora
Samlandia delicata group
Schematophora obscura
Schematophora speciosa
Senegalinium bicavatum
Senegalinium dilwynense
Selenopemphix nephroides
Selenopemphix quanta
Senoniasphaera inornata
Spinidinium luciae
Spinidinium macmurdoense
Spinidinium spp. (pars.)
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Spiniferella cornuta
Spiniferites pseudofurcatus
Spiniferites mirabilis
Spiniferites cf. mirabilis
Remarks: This taxon resembles S. mirabilis but differs by having a much larger size range (up to 120 µm) and by less well defined and developed processes.
Spiniferites sp. A
Remarks: This species of Spiniferites is characterized by it having septate processes, distally expanding into a broad trifurcation a la Spiniferites pseudofurcatus. It is however much smaller than typical S. pseudofurcatus. The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Spiniferites sp. B
Remarks: This species of Spiniferites is characterized by it having (1) intergonal bifurcate processes and (2) sutural ridges that are higher at gonal junctions, giving the cyst broad arch-shaped sides. The species will be formally described elsewhere.
Spiniferites spp. (pars.)
Stelladinium stellatum
Stoveracysta kakanuiensis
Stoveracysta ornata
Tanyosphaeridium spp.
Tectatodinium spp.
Thalassiphora delicata
Thalassiphora pelagica
Trithyrodinium evittii
Turbiosphaera filosa
Vozzhennikovia spp.
Remarks: This group constitutes several new species, to be formally described elsewhere.
Wetzeliella articulata
Wetzeliella spp. (pars.)
Wilsonidium compactum
Wilsonidium echinosuturatum
Wilsonidium ornatum