This research used samples and/or data provided by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). ODP is sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and participating countries under management of Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI), Inc.
It would be impossible to synthesize the vast amount of stratigraphic data needed for this paper without the unstinting help of numerous colleagues. For many timely discussions and guidance, we would like to thank J.P. Bujak, S.P. Damassa, L. de Verteuil, C. Heilmann-Clausen, S.B. Manum, S. Piasecki, I.M. Prince, A. Rochon, B.A. Tocher, and G.J. Wilson. Photographs for the plates were kindly provided by M.R. Bradford, W.W. Brideaux, J.P. Bujak, S.P. Damassa, L. de Verteuil, L.E. Edwards, M.J. Head, C. Heilmann-Clausen, R.J. Kidson, K. Matsuoka, J.P. Verdier, G.J.M. Versteegh, G.J. Wilson, and D. Zevenboom. We are indebted to N. Exon, A. McMinn, and J. Pross, whose constructive reviews resulted in considerable improvement to the original version. And Lorri Peters did an excellent job in editing. Lastly, we would like to thank W.C. MacMillan and N. Koziel for their electronic wizardry in getting the text, figures, and plates to publication quality.