Plate P15. 1, 2. Cyclonephelium membraniphorum Cookson and Eisenack 1962b. Both ventral surface (350x). 3, 4. Damassadinium californicum (Drugg 1967) Fensome et al., 1993b; (3) right lateral surface (425x); (4) optical section (425x). 5–8. Deflandrea antarctica Wilson 1967a; (5) dorsal surface (300x); (6) same specimen as 5, optical section (300x); (7) dorsal surface (300x); (8) same specimen as 7, ventral surface (300x). 9–12. Deflandrea convexa Wilson 1988; (9) dorsal surface (450x); (10) optical section of holotype (450x); (11) dorsal surface (300x); (12) same specimen as 11, ventral surface (300x). Figures 9, 10 courtesy of G.J. Wilson. 13. Deflandrea cygniformis Pöthe de Baldis, 1966. 250x. 14, 15. Deflandrea oebisfeldensis Alberti 1959b. 300x. 16. Deflandrea phosphoritica Eisenack 1938b. Optical section (300x). 17. Dinogymnium sp. 900x. 18. Dinopterygium cladoides Deflandre 1935. 375x. 19, 20. Diphyes colligerum (Deflandre and Cookson 1955) Cookson 1965a; (20) optical section. Both 600x.)