Plate P8. The modified Kofoid system (as outlined in Fensome et al., 1993b) is used in the labeling of individual plates for the gonyaulacaleans. The Kofoid system is used in the labeling of plates in the peridinialeans. The archeopyle location is denoted by diagonal lines. 1. "Palaeocystodinium striatogranulosum" Zevenboom and Santarelli in Zevenboom 1995 (considered an unpublished manuscript name by the originating authors). Dorsal view. Range of type material: pericyst length = 125–170 µm, pericyst width = 20–32 µm, endocyst length = 30–45 µm, endocyst width = 20–30 µm. 2. Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides Deflandre 1935. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: overall length (without processes) = 35 µm, overall width (without processes) = 23 µm. 3. Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum (Ehrenberg 1838 ex O. Wetzel 1933a) Sarjeant 1967b. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: length = 92 µm, width = 74 µm. 4. Palaeotetradinium silicorum Deflandre 1936b. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: length = 47 µm, width = 40 µm. 5, 6. Palynodinium grallator Gocht 1970a. Holotype dimensions: overall diameter (with processes) = 106 µm; (5) ventral view; (6) dorsal view. 7. Phthanoperidinium amoenum Drugg and Loeblich 1967. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: length = 38 µm, width = 35 µm. 8. Phthanoperidinium distinctum Bujak 1994. Dorsal view. Range of type material: pericyst length = 37–50 µm, pericyst width = 38–46 µm, apical horn length = <2 µm. 9. Pyxidinopsis fairhavenensis de Verteuil and Norris 1996a. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: length = 30 µm, width = 25 µm. 10. Raetiaedinium truncigerum (Deflandre 1937b) Kirsch 1991. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: central body diameter = 42 µm. 11. Raphidodinium fucatum Deflandre 1936b. Range of type material: cyst length (excluding processes) = 28–30 µm, cyst width = 14–20 µm, process length = 40–50 µm, overall diameter = 110–115 µm. 12. Renidinium rigidum Prince et al., 1999. Ventral view. Holotype dimensions: ectocyst length = 86 µm, ectocyst width = 73 µm, endocyst length = 62 µm, endocyst width = 58 µm, cavities = 2–40 µm. 13. Reticulatosphaera actinocoronata (Benedek 1972) Bujak and Matsuoka 1986. Oblique dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: central body diameter = 14 µm. 14. Rhombodinium draco Gocht 1955. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: pericyst length = 150 µm, pericyst width = 158 µm. 15. Rhombodinium perforatum (Jan du Chêne and Châteauneuf 1975) Lentin and Williams 1977b. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: pericyst length = 94 µm, pericyst width = 120 µm, apical horn length = 12 µm, left antapical horn length = 10 µm, right antapical horn length = 6 µm, lateral horn length = 22 µm, endocyst length = 70 µm, endocyst width = 84 µm. 16. Rhombodinium porosum Bujak 1979. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: pericyst length = 138 µm, pericyst width = 145 µm. 17, 18. Saturnodinium pansum (Stover 1977) Brinkhuis et al. 1992. Range of type material: overall size in apical-antapical view = 64 µm x 66–82 µm x 84 µm, endocyst diameter = 38–50 µm; (17) apical view; (18) dorsal view. 19. Saturnodinium perforatum Brinkhuis et al. 1992. Dorsal view. Holotype dimensions: pericyst length = 71 µm, pericyst width = 51 µm, endocyst length = 25 µm, endocyst width = 22 µm. 20. Schematophora speciosa Deflandre and Cookson 1955. Ventral view. Holotype dimensions: overall diameter = 54 µm x 51 µm. 21. Selenopemphix armageddonensis de Verteuil and Norris 1992. Apical view. Holotype dimensions: major equatorial diameter (excluding processes) = 35 µm, minor equatorial diameter (excluding processes) = 30 µm, process width (based on 13 specimens) = 4–20 µm, process length (based on 13 specimens) = 4–7 µm.