Table T2. Sequential listing of reference numbers, with accompanying citation.
Reference number
1 Below 1981 Germany Boreal Biostratigraphy
2 Davey and Verdier 1971 Paris Basin Boreal Biostratigraphy
3 Davey and Verdier 1973 France Boreal/Tethys Biostratigraphy
4 Davey and Verdier 1974 France Boreal/Tethys Biostratigraphy
5 Davey 1979 England Boreal Biostratigraphy
6 Duxbury 1977 Speeton Boreal Biostratigraphy
7 Duxbury 1980 Speeton Boreal Biostratigraphy
8 Duxbury 1983 Isle of Wight Boreal Biostratigraphy
9 Head et al. 1989c Labrador Sea NH arctic Extrapolated/Biostratigraphy
10 Foucher 1979 Paris Basin Boreal Biostratigraphy
11 Habib and Drugg 1983 France/Switzerland Tethys Biostratigraphy
12 De Graciansky et al. 1998 Europe Boreal/Tethys Biostratigraphy
13 Harding 1990 Germany/England Boreal Biostratigraphy
14 Hoedemaeker and Leereveld 1995 Southeast Spain Tethys Biostratigraphy
15 Hoek et al. 1996 Israel Tethys Biostratigraphy
16 Jarvis et al. 1988 England Boreal Biostratigraphy
17 Kirsch 1991 South Germany Boreal Biostratigraphy
18 Leereveld 1995 South Spain Tethys Biostratigraphy
19 Londeix 1990 South France Tethys Biostratigraphy
20 Roncaglia et al. 1999 New Zealand Mid-latitude SH Biostratigraphy
21 Monteil 1985 South France Tethys Biostratigraphy
22 Monteil 1992 South France Tethys Biostratigraphy
23 Pearce 2000 England Boreal Biostratigraphy
24 Powell 1992 United Kingdom Boreal Biostratigraphy
25 Prince et al 1999 Isle of Wight Boreal Biostratigraphy
26 Prössl 1990 North Germany Boreal Biostratigraphy
27 Robaszynski et al. 1982 Belgium Boreal Biostratigraphy
28 Brinkhuis and Schiøler 1996 Northwest Europe Boreal Biostratigraphy
29 Schiøler and Wilson 1993 Denmark Boreal Biostratigraphy
30 Tocher and Jarvis 1987 South England Boreal Biostratigraphy
31 Verdier 1975 North France Boreal Biostratigraphy
32 Wilpshaar 1995 South France Tethys Biostratigraphy
33 Wilson 1974 Northwest Europe Boreal Biostratigraphy
34 Xpert LPP/Williams/Pearce Global Global Biostratigraphy
35 Williams et al. 1993 Global Global Extrapolated
36 de Verteuil and Norris 1996a Northwest Atlantic Mid-latitude NH Extrapolated/Biostratigraphy
37 Powell et al. 1996 Northwest Europe Mid-latitude NH Magnetostratigraphy
38 Zevenboom 1995 South Europe Low latitude NH Magnetostratigraphy/Biostratigraphy
39 Bujak et al. 1980 Northwest Europe Mid-latitude NH Biostratigraphy
40 Bujak and Mudge 1994 Northwest Europe Mid-latitude NH Extrapolated
41 Mudge and Bujak 1996 Northwest Europe Mid-latitude NH Extrapolated
42 Heilmann-Clausen 1985 Northwest Europe Mid latitude NH Biostratigraphy
43 Köthe 1990 Northwest Europe Mid-latitude NH Extrapolated/Biostratigraphy
44 Wilson 1988 New Zealand Mid-latitude SH Extrapolated/Biostratigraphy
45 Stover and Hardenbol 1994 Northwest Europe Mid-latitude NH Biostratigraphy
46 McMinn 1992 Australia, ODP Leg 123 Low-latitude SH Biostratigraphy
47 Heilmann-Clausen and Costa 1989 Northwest Europe Mid latitude NH Biostratigraphy
48 Brinkhuis and Biffi 1993 Italy Low-latitude NH Magnetostratigraphy
49 Wrenn and Hart 1988 Antarctica High-latitude SH Magnetostratigraphy/Biostratigraphy
50 Brinkhuis et al. 1998 Africa, Northwest Europe Low-mid latitude NH Biostratigraphy
51 Helby et al. 1987 Australia Low-mid latitude SH Biostratigraphy
52 Brinkhuis and Leereveld 1988 Africa Low-latitude NH Biostratigraphy
53 Brinkhuis and Zachariasse 1988 Africa Low-latitude NH Biostratigraphy
54 Raine et al. 1997 New Zealand Mid-latitude SH Extrapolated/Biostratigraphy
55 Wilpshaar et al. 1996 Italy Low-latitude NH Magnetostratigraphy
56 Stover and Williams 1995 Global Global Extrapolated/Biostratigraphy
57 Brinkhuis et al. 1992 Italy Low-latitude NH Magnetostratigraphy
58 Brinkhuis, Sengers, et al., this volume Offshore Tasmania Low–mid latitude SH Magnetostratigraphy/Biostratigraphy
59 Brinkhuis, Munsterman, et al., this volume Offshore Tasmania High-latitude SH Magnetostratigraphy/Biostratigraphy
60 Pearce et al. 2003 England Boreal Biostratigraphy
61 Prince 1997 England Boreal Biostratigraphy

Notes: Reference numbers are used in Table T1. NH = Northern Hemisphere, SH = Southern Hemisphere.