Figure F3. Deformation structures of accreted sediments at Site 1178. A. Core photograph of a brecciated zone in the deformed interval between 400 and 506 mbsf (Section 190-1178B-6R-2). B. Photomicrograph of black seams dipping in a single direction. Note the preferred orientation of phyllosilicates along seams (Sample 190-1178B-27R-2, 70-76 cm). C. Photomicrograph of black seams dipping in two directions. Note that sandy portions are cut and displaced by seams (Sample 190-1178B-27R-2, 70-76 cm). D. Photomicrograph of foliation in the deformed interval between 400 and 506 mbsf (Sample 190-1178B-8R-6, 53-57 cm). Phyllosilicates are parallel to sand lamina (dash lines) defining bedding-parallel fissility. E. Secondary mode SEM image of foliation in the deformed interval between 400 and 506 mbsf (Sample 190-1178B-4R-3, 50-52 cm). Although bedding cannot be discerned in this sample, the dip of foliation attains 79°, which is too steep for bedding-parallel foliation (see also Fig. F2). F. Close-up photograph of bedding-oblique foliation (Section 190-1178B-8R-4).