Plate P3. Photomicrographs illustrating mineral and lithic grains from sands/sandstones at Site 1177, Leg 190, Shikoku Basin turbidite facies Nankai Trough trench fill. 1. Quartzose sandstone with quartz, plagioclase and quartzose sedimentary rock fragments (Sample 190-1177A-45R-1, 84-88 cm [723.74 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 2. Devitrified silicic volcanic rock fragment (in center) amongst quartz and sedimentary rock fragments (Sample 190-1177A-45R-1, 84-88 cm [723.74 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 3. Microcline with it diagnostic cross-hatched twinning (Sample 190-1177A-37R-3, 148-150 cm [648.88 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 4. Very low grade metamorphic rock fragment with spaced dissolution cleavage (Sample 190-1177A-17R-1, 52-56 cm [454 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 5. Banded rhyolite fragment (Sample 190-1177A-37R-3, 148-150 cm [648.88 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light). 6. Silicic volcanic fragment with a rectangular biotite phenocryst (Sample 190-1177A-17R-1, 52-56 cm [454 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light).