Table T3. Summary of stratigraphic relations, Site 1178.

Unit Facies
Interval (cm)   Depth (mbsf)   Thickness (m) Stratigraphic age Lithologic
of formation

190-1178A- 190-1178A-

IA Upper slope apron 1H-1, 0 12X-1, 0
0.00 94.40

94.40 Quaternary to Pliocene Hemipelagic, nannofossil-rich mud, sandy mud, volcanic ash; intervals of contorted stratification Hemipelagic settling, volcanic ash falls; deformed by slumping
IB Middle slope apron 12X-1, 0 15X-3, 80
94.40 127.00

32.60 Pliocene Hemipelagic mud and sandy mud, abundant silty sand turbidites, minor mud-supported gravel, lapilli gravel; intervals of contorted stratification Hemipelagic settling, sandy mudflows, turbidity currents, debris flows
IC Lower slope apron 15X-3, 80 23X-1, 0
127.00 199.20
72.20 Pliocene to late Miocene Hemipelagic mud (locally nannofossil rich), sandy mud, minor volcanic ash and lapilli-gravel; intervals of contorted stratification, strongly deformed mud toward base Hemipelagic settling, debris flows, rare ash falls; deformed by slumping

190-1178A- 190-1178B-

IIA Accreted axial trench-wedge facies 23X-1, 0 4R-1, 140
199.20 411.00

211.80 late Miocene Hemipelagic mudstone, sandy mudstone, abundant sand and silty sand turbidites, rare pebbly mudstone; highly deformed Hemipelagic settling, frequent turbidity currents, debris flows; accreted by frontal offscraping

190-1178B- 190-1178B-

IIB Accreted outer trench-wedge facies 4R-1, 140 20R-1, 35
411.00 563.95
152.95 late Miocene Hemipelagic mudstone, sandy mudstone, sporadic silt to sandy silt turbidites; highly deformed Hemipelagic settling, occasional turbidity currents; accreted by frontal offscraping
IIC Accreted axial trench-wedge facies 20R-1, 35 31R-CC, 25
563.95 673.18
109.23 late Miocene Hemipelagic mudstone, sandy mudstone, abundant sand and silty sand turbidites; highly deformed Hemipelagic settling, frequent turbidity currents; accreted by frontal offscraping