Leg 191 Digital Photomicrograph Log Image# Thin Section No. Shot No. SiteHole Core Sec Int (cm) Piece Light Objective Feature 1 1 1 1179C 11H 1 27-30 cp 5x Representative texture of olivine phyric basalt found as a pebble in the sediments of Hole 1179C 2 5 1 1179C 19H 1 0-3 ppl 5x Representative texture of andesite or andesitic welded tuff found as a pebble in the sediments of Hole 1179C 3 5 2 1179C 19H 1 0-3 ppl 5x Representative texture of andesite or andesitic welded tuff found as a pebble in the sediments of Hole 1179C 4 6 1 1179D 10R 1 44-46 1 cp 5x Glomeroporphyritic texture 5 6 2 1179D 10R 1 44-46 1 cp 5x Glomeroporphyritic texture 6 6 3 1179D 10R 1 44-46 1 ppl 5x Representative texture 7 7 1 1179D 10R 1 102-104 5B ppl 5x Representative texture 8 8 1 1179D 11R 1 99-101 4A ppl 20x Vesicle filled with celadonite 9 8 2 1179D 11R 1 99-101 4A cp 20x Vesicle filled with celadonite 10 8 3 1179D 11R 1 99-101 4A ppl 20x Olivine microphenocrysts 11 8 4 1179D 11R 1 99-101 4A ppl 5x Representative texture 12 9 1 1179D 11R 2 4-7 1A ppl 5x Representative texture 13 10 1 1179D 11R 2 81-83 9 ppl 5x Representative texture 14 10 2 1179D 11R 2 81-83 9 cp 63x Apatite inclusion in clinopyroxene 15 11 1 1179D 12R 2 1-3 1A ppl 5x Representative texture 16 12 1 1179D 12R 2 13-15 3 ppl 5x Representative texture 17 13 1 1179D 12R 3 4-7 1 ppl 5x Representative texture 18 14 1 1179D 12R 4 0-2 1A ppl 5x Representative texture 19 15 1 1179D 12R 4 83-86 1D ppl 5x Representative texture 20 15 2 1179D 12R 4 83-86 1D cp 5x Representative texture 21 16 1 1179D 13R 1 38-40 8 ppl 5x Representative texture 22 17 1 1179D 13R 1 76-78 12A ppl 5x Representative texture 23 18 1 1179D 13R 3 14-16 1A ppl 5x Representative texture 24 18 2 1179D 13R 3 14-16 1A cp 5x Representative texture 25 19 1 1179D 13R 4 77-79 4 ppl 5x Representative texture 26 19 2 1179D 13R 4 77-79 4 cp 5x Representative texture 27 20 1 1179D 14R 1 15-17 4A ppl 5x Representative texture 28 20 2 1179D 14R 1 15-17 4A cp 5x Representative texture 29 21 1 1179D 14R 2 117-119 15B ppl 5x Representative texture 30 21 2 1179D 14R 2 117-119 15B cp 5x Representative texture 31 21 3 1179D 14R 2 117-119 15B ppl 20x Close-up of groundmass texture 32 22 1 1179D 14R 3 122-124 13 ppl 5x Representative texture 33 23 1 1179D 17R 1 58-60 7 ppl 5x Representative texture 34 24 1 1179D 17R 2 81-83 7A ppl 2.5x Representative texture showing hyaloclastite with basaltic glass and carbonate matrix 35 25 1 1179D 18R 1 31-35 2B ppl 5x Representative texture 36 25 2 1179D 18R 1 31-35 2B ppl 5x Fe-oxyhydroxide vein 37 26 1 1179D 18R 1 47-50 2B ppl 10x Glassy and microspherulitic texture 38 27 1 1179D 18R 1 125-127 13 ppl 5x Basaltic glass and calcareous matrix with zeolite crystals in the interpillow materials 39 28 1 1179D 18R 2 41-43 7A ppl 2.5x Hyaloclastite with glassy fragments and calcareous matrix 40 29 1 1179D 18R 3 28-30 1 ppl 5x Microcrystalline intersertal texture 41 30 1 1179D 18R 4 80-82 6B ppl 5x "Intersertal, subophitic texture " 42 31 1 1179D 19R 1 86-89 17 ppl 5x Representative groudmass showing intersertal texture 43 31 2 1179D 19R 1 86-89 17 cp 20x Close-up of groundmass showing coeval crystal growth of plagioclase and clinopyroxene 44 32 1 1179D 19R 3 5-7 1B ppl 5x Representative groundmass texture 45 33 1 1179D 19R 3 70-73 6B cp 5x Representative groundmass texture 46 34 1 1179D 17R 1 19-22 1C ppl 5x Representative texture 47 35 1 1179D 20R 1 3-6 1A ppl 5x Representative groundmass texture 48 35 2 1179D 20R 1 3-6 1A ppl 10x Olivine phenocryst 49 36 1 1179D 20R 3 139-142 3D ppl 2.5x Vein containing basaltic fragments with calcite matrix. 50 36 2 1179D 20R 3 139-142 3D ppl 5x Representative texture containing olivine microphenocrysts and skeletal groundmass plagioclase 51 37 1 1179D 20R 4 21-23 1C ppl 5x Representative texture containing olivine microphenocrysts and skeletal olivine and plagioclase in groundmass 52 38 1 1179D 20R 4 63-66 7A ppl 5x "Representative texture containing olivine microphenocrysts, and acicular plagioclase in groundmass" 53 39 1 1179D 21R 1 28-30 1C ppl 5x Representative texture consisting many fans of diverging plagioclase needles with augite crystals in the interstices 54 40 1 1179D 21R 2 76-79 4A ppl 5x "Representative texture, containing olivine microphenocrysts" 55 40 2 1179D 21R 2 76-79 4A ppl 20x Fresh glass and olivine phenocrysts 56 41 1 1179D 21R 3 141-144 13B ppl 5x Representative texture with acicular plagioclase crystals forming varioles 57 42 1 1179D 21R 4 59-62 2D ppl 5x Representative texture containing skeletal olivine crystals altered to iddingsite 58 42 2 1179D 21R 4 59-62 2D ppl 5x Glassy part 59 43 1 1179D 22R 1 59-61 6A ppl 5x Representative texture showing microspherule 60 44 1 1179D 22R 2 63-66 6B ppl 5x Representative texture with olivine microphenocrysts and skeletal groundmass crystals 61 45 1 1179D 22R 3 18-20 1B ppl 5x Representative texture with olivine microphenocrysts and skeletal groundmass crystals 62 46 1 1179D 22R 3 100-102 7E ppl 5x "Representative groundmass, with microphenocryst of Chromium spinel, and skeletal plagioclase and olivine" 63 47 1 1179D 22R 4 80-82 4A ppl 5x Representative texture 64 47 2 1179D 22R 4 80-82 4A ppl 20x Close-up of groundmass. The brownish color of clinopyroxene indicates its Ti-rich composition. 65 48 1 1179D 22R 5 58-60 5D ppl 5x Representative texture with skeletal olivine (altered to iddingsite) and acicular plagioclase crystals forming microspherule. 66 49 1 1179D 22R 5 114-116 6B ppl 5x Representative texture 67 49 2 1179D 22R 5 114-116 6B cp 5x Representative texture 68 49 3 1179D 22R 5 114-116 6B ppl 20x Celadonite vein and plagioclase phenocryst 69 50 1 1179D 22R 4 115-117 7A ppl 5x "Representative texture with microspherule, olivine phenocrysts and glass" 70 51 1 1179D 22R 5 135-137 7 ppl 5x Representative texture 71 51 2 1179D 22R 5 135-137 7 ppl 20x Chromium-spinel 72 52 1 1179D 12R 1 65-67 7 ppl 5x Calcareous sediments with fragments of basaltic glass 73 53 1 1179D 12R 1 120-122 15A ppl 5x Calcareous sediments containing calcified radiolarians and fragments of basaltic glass 74 8 5 1179D 11R 1 99-101 4A ppl 20x Olivine and plagioclase replaced by smectite 75 12 2 1179D 12R 2 13-15 3 ppl 10x Vesicles filled with smectite and celadonite 76 14 2 1179D 12R 4 0-2 1A cp 5x Plagioclase phenocrysts 77 15 3 1179D 12R 4 83-86 1D ppl 10x Calcite-celadonite vein in basalt with smectite 78 21 4 1179D 14R 2 117-119 15B ppl 5x "Vesicles filled with smectite, celadonite, and goethite/hematite" 79 21 5 1179D 14R 2 117-119 15B ppl 63x Zircon crystal in clinopyroxene 80 37 2 1179D 20R 4 21-23 1C ppl 10x Variolitic plumose plagioclase crystallites 81 39 2 1179D 21R 1 28-30 1C ppl 20x Plagioclase clusters with clinopyroxene and magnetite 82 40 3 1179D 21R 2 76-79 4A ppl 10x Plagioclase skeleton within clinopyroxene crystallite matrix 83 40 4 1179D 21R 2 76-79 4A ppl 20x Skeletal clinopyroxene crystallites 84 40 5 1179D 21R 2 76-79 4A ppl 63x Skeletal clinopyroxene crystallites 85 51 3 1179D 22R 5 135-137 7 cp 2.5x Two vesicles filled with calcite and zeolite 86 51 4 1179D 22R 5 135-137 7 cp 5x Two vesicles filled with calcite and zeolite 87 6 4 1179D 10R 1 44-46 1 ppl 10x Plagioclase rosette with some clinopyroxene in clinopyroxene-plagioclase matrix 88 6 5 1179D 10R 1 44-46 1 ppl 10x Plagioclase bundle with some clinopyroxene grains 89 6 6 1179D 10R 1 44-46 1 ppl 10x Recrystallized glass; radial clinopyroxene clusters and plagioclases 90 11 2 1179D 12R 2 1-3 1A ppl 5x Smectite patches/vesicles and feeder fissure 91 15 4 1179D 12R 4 83-86 1D ppl 5x Celadonite and smectite replacement patches 92 16 2 1179D 13R 1 38-40 8 ppl 10x Plagioclase phenocrysts with inclusions and smectite 93 31 3 1179D 19R 1 86-89 17 ppl 63x Apatite in plagioclase cp: cross polars ppl: plane polarized light