Initial Reports Volume 191 Chapter 4, Table 18. Correlation of reflection traveltime with the lithostratigraphic column using measured P-wave velocities, Site 1179. Notes: * = Measured velocities have been corrected for in situ temperature at top and bottom of each lithostratigraphic unit: dV/dT = 3.2 m/s/degC. PWL = P-wave logger. Data from seismic profile line 2-1, Hakuho Maru, August 1996. ? = no correlation. Observed traveltime (s) Estimated traveltime (s) Depth (mbsf) Corrected* velocity (m/s) Interval velocity (m/s) Reflection strength Correlation 0 0 1470 Strong Seafloor 0.018 1579 Weak ? 0.038 0.040 60 1486 Weak Small perturbation in PWL velocity at 60 mbsf 1622 0.075 0.080 120 1502 Weak Very slight increase in velocity at 120 mbsf 1400 0.100 0.105 155 1512 Weak Slight increase in density at 155 mbsf 2000 0.115 0.125 185 1520 Weak Increases in velocity and density at 185 mbsf 0.132 1027 Weak ? 1530 0.152 0.149 223 Weak Unit I/Unit II: increase in density at 215-225 mbsf 1540 2400 1546 0.162 0.165 247 Weak Unit II/Unit III: abrupt change in velocity and density at 245 mbsf 1556 0.172 Strong ? 1566 ? 0.188 283 Strong Unit III/Unit IV: top of chert 0.220 Strong ? 0.250 275 Moderate Unit IV/Unit V: top of basement