Minerals Biogenic Leg Site H Cor CT Sct Top Depth Litho-logy Sand Silt Clay Acc Min (1) Dolo-mite Car-bo-nate (35) Clay (47) Fe Oxide (68) Feld-spar (71) Opa-ques (140) Plagio-clase (159) Quartz (172) Volc Glass (81) Zeolite (222) Cocco-lith (51) Diatoms (58) Dinofla-gellate (59) Fish Remains (74) Foram-inifers (78) Nanno-fossils (132) Radio-larians (173) Silic Sponge Spicules (185) Silico-flagel-lates (189) Comments 191 1179 A 1 H 1 0 0.00 D 50 42 8 * 8 * * * 70 * 15 2 5 "Siliceous ooze (Clay and silicoflagellate-bearing, radiolarian-rich diatom ooze)" 191 1179 A 1 H 3 92 3.92 D 55 30 15 22 * * * 3 70 2 3 Siliceous ooze. Radiolarians are fragmented 191 1179 A 1 H 4 41 4.41 M 55 30 15 19 * 3 15 60 3 Ashy diatomaceous clay 191 1179 A 1 H 7 76 8.36 D 80 15 5 5 3 92 Ash 191 1179 B 1 H 1 60 0.60 D 50 40 10 12 2 * * 1 5 75 5 * "Siliceous ooze (Clay, ash and radiolarian-bearing diatom ooze) Silt is mainly fragments of diatoms" 191 1179 B 1 H 2 105 2.55 D 65 30 5 5 * 1 3 85 3 3 * Diatom ooze 191 1179 B 1 H 5 34 6.34 D 65 20 15 15 2 1 65 10 2 Siliceous ooze 191 1179 B 1 H CC 0 7.43 D 45 45 10 * 10 * * * 1 1 70 * 13 2 3 Clay and silicoflagellate-bearing radiolarian-rich diatom ooze. Accessory mineral: blue but not hornblende 191 1179 B 2 H 1 80 8.40 D 55 25 20 20 * 4 4 65 5 2 Clay-rich diatom ooze 191 1179 B 2 H 2 60 9.70 M 70 30 0 2 3 95 Vitric ash 191 1179 B 2 H 3 149 12.09 D 50 40 10 * 10 * * 1 1 70 13 5 * Clay-bearing radiolarian-rich diatom ooze. Accessory mineral is pyroxene 191 1179 B 2 H 5 39 13.99 D 15 35 50 50 * * 3 40 3 * 3 1 Zeolitic clay 191 1179 B 2 H 5 42 14.02 D 33 20 47 47 5 6 26 10 * 2 4 Zeolitic clay. Zeolite is phillipsite 191 1179 B 2 H 6 69 15.79 D 9 21 70 30 3 15 20 26 4 2 Siliceous clay 191 1179 B 3 H 1 40 17.50 D 40 40 20 20 * 1 3 69 2 5 Clay-bearing diatom ooze 191 1179 B 3 H 1 128 18.38 M 10 35 55 50 * 1 10 37 1 1 * "Zeolitic claystone (one of green ashy clays). Clots of clay, (~100 micrometers) with elongate laths (5-80 micrometers) through them, presumably clay and zeolite replacement of glass. Masses, 40-50 micrometer-size, of zeolite are in the clay clots" 191 1179 B 3 H 1 132 18.42 D 50 15 35 35 * 3 2 50 * 5 5 Clay-rich diatom ooze 191 1179 B 3 H 4 85 22.45 M 10 45 45 45 1 10 30 10 1 3 Zeolitic claystone. One of the dark green firm clay beds 191 1179 B 3 H 5 80 23.90 M 30 30 40 40 * * 1 6 5 43 3 2 * Clay-rich siliceous ooze. A light brownish gray layer 191 1179 B 3 H 6 54 25.14 D 22 30 48 36 1 3 8 4 28 12 8 Clayey siliceous ooze 191 1179 B 3 H 7 60 26.70 D 25 30 45 33 4 5 11 36 3 8 Clayey siliceous ooze 191 1179 B 3 H CC 0 26.93 D 62 30 8 8 * * * 84 5 3 * Diatom ooze 191 1179 B 4 H 1 100 27.60 D 45 35 20 20 * * 1 6 2 58 10 3 * Glass and radiolarian-bearing clay-rich diatom ooze. Some radiolarians have dark coatings 191 1179 B 4 H 3 59 30.19 D 50 25 25 24 * * 1 10 55 10 Siliceous ooze 191 1179 B 4 H 4 89 31.99 D 10 40 50 25 1 8 6 45 9 5 1 Clay-bearing diatom ooze 191 1179 B 4 H 5 8 32.68 D 20 50 30 * 25 1 1 3 1 60 6 2 1 "Clay-bearing diatom ooze. Reflected light on framboid-shaped opaque minerals, thought to be pyrite, shows no metallic brassy color. Some very fine silt-sized (~3-5 micrometers) high-birefringent carbonate grains might be nannofossils, but no obvious shapes. Most volcanic glass is light, but some is brown" 191 1179 B 4 H 6 81 34.91 D 35 35 30 30 3 25 34 5 3 Ashy zeolitic clay 191 1179 B 4 H 7 30 35.90 D 30 30 40 20 * 1 11 5 52 10 1 * Clay-bearing diatom ooze 191 1179 B 5 H 1 30 36.40 M 85 15 * 5 * 1 94 Vitric ash. Accessory mineral is pyroxene 191 1179 B 5 H 1 107 37.17 D 40 10 50 50 * * 1 2 40 4 3 * Diatom-rich clay. Zeolite is phillipsite 191 1179 B 5 H 2 25 37.85 D 30 10 60 60 * * 1 5 2 26 3 2 1 Diatom-rich clay. Zeolite is phillipsite 191 1179 B 5 H 3 106 40.16 D 30 5 65 65 * * 2 * 27 5 1 Diatom-rich clay. Zeolite is phillipsite 191 1179 B 5 H 4 80 41.40 D 40 5 55 55 * * * 1 * 40 4 * Diatom-rich clay. Zeolite is phillipsite 191 1179 B 5 H 5 111 43.21 D 30 34 36 25 3 2 55 4 10 1 Siliceous ooze. Diatoms well preserved 191 1179 B 5 H 6 97 44.57 D 15 25 60 60 * * 3 25 12 Diatom-rich clay 191 1179 B 5 H 7 32 45.42 D 15 45 40 40 * 55 5 Siliceous ooze 191 1179 B 6 H 1 18 45.78 M 55 35 10 35 10 1 40 10 4 Dolomite-rich siliceous ooze 191 1179 B 6 H 1 60 46.20 D 65 5 30 30 1 8 1 40 18 2 * Clay-rich siliceous ooze. Zeolite: phillipsite 191 1179 B 6 H 1 110 46.70 D 50 10 40 40 1 3 * 45 * 10 1 Clay-rich diatom ooze. Many broken radiolarian spines. Zeolite: phillipsite 191 1179 B 6 H 3 91 49.51 D 50 15 35 35 * 1 4 50 6 3 1 Clay-rich diatom ooze. Radiolarians mainly broken 191 1179 B 6 H 4 11 50.21 D 15 65 20 20 * 4 50 20 2 4 Clay- and radiolarian-bearing diatom ooze 191 1179 B 6 H 4 49 50.59 D 60 20 20 10 18 3 65 2 1 1 Clay- and dolomite-bearing diatom ooze 191 1179 B 6 H 4 89 50.99 D 20 50 30 30 2 10 5 2 40 10 1 * Clay-rich diatom ooze. Adjacent to a dark-green ashy clay lamina. Zeolite is phillipsite 191 1179 B 6 H 4 113 51.23 M 30 60 10 10 3 8 30 2 35 10 2 * Ash-rich siliceous ooze. Next to a green clay lamina 191 1179 B 6 H 4 113 51.23 M 80 20 0 1 4 95 Vitric ash (in the ashy part). Brown accessory mineral might be hornblende 191 1179 B 6 H 5 14 51.74 D 55 10 35 35 * 1 2 * * 45 13 3 1 Clay-rich diatom ooze. Zeolite: phillipsite 191 1179 B 6 H 5 75 52.35 D 15 35 50 26 2 2 10 40 13 5 2 Clay-bearing siliceous ooze. Zeolite: phillipsite 191 1179 B 6 H 6 121 54.31 D 21 46 33 9 1 2 45 34 6 3 Siliceous ooze. Silicoflagellates well preserved 191 1179 B 6 H 7 49 55.09 D 36 53 11 8 2 44 38 5 3 Siliceous ooze