Table T1. Glossary of the NEREID-191 system.

BIA Borehole instrument assembly, commonly known as the Christmas tree.
CRM Combiner/repeater module. This is a part of the MEG-191.
DL Data logger for the PCS in the SWB. It records the condition of the SWB system and is recovered by an ROV or submersible.
DM24 Digitizer module consisting of a 24-bit analog-to-digital converter and microprocessor.
GCF Guralp Compressed Format, used for data transmission and receiving on an RS232C serial line.
MEG-191 Multiple-access expandable gateway, commonly known as the G-box. It serves as the control unit for power, signal, and timing.
OBH Ocean borehole seismometer. Modified version of the feedback-type broadband seismometer (Type CMG-1T) made by Guralp Ltd., United Kingdom.
PAT Power supply access terminal, commonly called the battery frame. It contains the SWB system and SAM-191 and also serves as an ROV or submersible platform.
PDM Power conditioning/distribution module contained in the MEG-191.
PCS Power control system. This monitors the condition and control output of the SWB system.
PCB Printed circuit board.
ROV Remotely operated vehicle.
RTM Real-time module, contained in the CRM.
SAM-191 Storage acquisition module. This is a seismic data recorder that can be recovered by an ROV or submersible.
SWB Seawater battery system, developed by Kongberg Simrad Ltd., Norway, consisting of cells, a DC/DC converter, the PCS, an accumulator, and the DL.
UMC Underwater mateable connector, produced by Ocean Design Inc., U.S.A.