Table T1. Acquisition parameters of seismic reflection data used in selecting proposed drill sites on the Ontong Java Plateau.
Hakuho Maru
KH98-1 Leg 2
Maurice Ewing
Thomas Washington
Year 1998 1995 1988
Designation KH98-1 EW95-11 TW88-11
Navigation GPS GPS GPS/Transit
Source 1-4 air guns 20 air guns 1 water gun
Volume 4.5 L/1000-3400 in3 8510 L/in3 80 L/in3
Shot interval (m) ~50 ~50 ~40
Sample interval (ms) 2 2 1
Record length (s) 8 and 16 16 3-9
Streamer length (m) 300 and 1200 3000 100
Number of groups 24 and 48 120 1
Group interval (m) 12.5 and 25 25 NA
Processing Migration Migration NA

Notes: GPS = Global Positioning System. Two values in columns indicate single-channel seismic/multichannel seismic. NA = not applicable.