Table T10. Basement unit boundaries and curated unit thicknesses, Hole 1183A.
Depth in
Boundary rationale


Top of basement 1130.37 54R-3 4-5 120
Beginning of basalt flows beneath sediment
1-2A 1130.73 54R-4 1-2 6 0.36 Limestone interbed between flows
2A-2B 1130.75 54R-4 2-3 8 0.02 Pillow basalts beneath limestone
2B-3A 1136.50 55R-1 NA 0 5.75 Limestone interbed between flows
3A-3B 1136.62 55R-1 1-2 12 0.12 Pillow basalts beneath limestone
3B-4A 1138.52 55R-2 5-6 77 1.90 Limestone interbed between flows
4A-4B 1138.60 55R-2 6-7 85 0.08 Pillow basalts beneath limestone
4B-5A 1146.10 56R-1 NA 0 7.50 Recrystallized limestone cobble + hyaloclastite between flows
5A-5B 1146.17 56R-1 1-2 7 0.07 Pillow basalts continue beneath limestone
5B-6 1166.50 60R-1 NA 0 20.33 Presence of hyaloclastite, poor recovery (more fractured rock, top of flow)
6-7 1192.19 64R-2 2-3 19 25.69 Presence of hyaloclastite between flows, pillow basalts beneath
7-8 1208.37 67R-3 7-8 53 16.18 Small piece (<1 cm) of hyaloclastite, pillow basalts beneath

Notes: * = no actual contacts were recovered; boundary locations are inferred between the indicated pieces. † = calculated using curated depths. NA = not applicable because the boundary is between the top of the indicated core and the bottom of the overlying core.