Figure F2. Stratigraphic sections (from Fitton and Godard, 2004) drilled at the 10 DSDP and ODP drill sites marked on Figure F1. Seven of the OJP sites are arranged on a transect from the crest of the plateau (Site 1183) eastward to the plateau rim (Site 1185) and then north and north-westward to Site 807 on the northern flank. Site 1184 lies off the transect, 586 km southeast of Site 1185 on the eastern salient of the OJP. The white lines in the basement at Sites 807 and 1185 represent compositional breaks in the basaltic successions at these two sites. Basement penetration and data sources: DSDP Site 289 (9 m), Andrews, Packham, et al. (1975); Site 462 (640 m), Larson, Schlanger, et al. (1981), and Moberly, Schlanger, et al. (1986); ODP Site 802 (51 m), Lancelot, Larson, et al. (1990); ODP Sites 803 (26 m) and 807 (149 m), Kroenke, Berger, Janecek, et al. (1991); ODP Sites 1183 (81 m), 1184 (338 m of volcaniclastic rocks), 1185 (217 m), 1186 (65 m), and 1187 (136 m), Mahoney, Fitton, Wallace, et al. (2001).