Table T5. Textural terms and abbreviations used to describe sulfide mineralization.
Styles of mineralization:

Massive sulfide MS Rocks containing >75% sulfide minerals.
Semimassive sulfide SMS Rocks containing >25%-75% sulfide minerals, which form aggregates or intergrowths.
Disseminated sulfide DS Rocks containing 5%-25% disseminated sulfides.
Void fill VF Minerals partially or totally filling a void (vesicle, etc.).
Vein/stringer sulfide VS Rocks containing more than 5% sulfide in veins.
General terminology for mineral textures:
Atoll at Minerals surrounded and partially replaced by another.
Banded bnd Precipitates showing rhythmic compositional or textural layering.
Bladed bld Elongate to tabular platy crystals.
Botryoidal bot Aggregate of spherical shapes (also termed globular).
Clastic cl Fragmental with or without evidence of reworking.
Chalcopyrite disease
Fine inclusions (emulsion) of chalcopyrite in sphalerite.
Cockade cock Open-space vein filling in successive comb-like crusts.
Colloform col Finely laminated texture formed by rhythmic precipitation.
Dendritic den Minerals deposited in a fine branching pattern.
Disseminated dis Discrete grains or aggregates of a mineral distributed throughout a rock.
Druse dr A mineral surface covered with small projecting crystals.
Felted fel Lath-shaped crystals interwoven in an irregular fashion.
Framboidal frm Spheroidal aggregates of microscopic grains.
Granular gran Aggregates of crystals with a sugary texture.
Intergrown ig Minerals with shared grain boundaries and textures.
Interstitial int Occupying the space between other mineral phases.
Massive msv Uniform, essentially monomineralic material.
Matrix mat Minerals occurring as fine material between clasts in fragmental rocks.
Nodular nod Discrete subrounded aggregates, commonly colloform or radial mineral growths.
Poikilitic poi Mineral grains included as fine inclusions within the crystal of another mineral.
Porous por Texture with >10% open pore spaces.
Pseudomorph pse Replacement of one mineral by another with retention of the original crystal form.
Radial rad Mineral aggregates formed by growth radiating from a single point.
Relict rel Remnants of sulfide grains that have been partially dissolved or replaced.
Skeletal skel Development of the outline of a crystal without complete infill.
Sooty soot Extremely fine grained mineral that is not visible optically but is sufficiently abundant to color its matrix.
Veined vnd Mineral crosscut by veins of another material.
Vermicular vrm Wormlike intergrowths of one mineral with another.
Vuggy vug Rock containing coarse (<2 mm) pore spaces.
Additional textural terms applied to veins:
Anastomosing ana Mutually intersecting vein network.
Barren bar No sulfide minerals in vein fill.
Branching bra Single vein split into two or more veins.
Halo hal Alteration extending outside the vein into wallrock (note difference with selvage).
Parallel par Two or more veins with the same orientation.
Selvage sel Mineral precipitation along edge of vein at contact with wallrock (note difference with halo).