Figure F47. Summary of lithostratigraphic units, alteration type, and distribution of major (thick lines) and minor to trace (thin lines) alteration phases in Hole 1189B. Intervals where remnant igneous plagioclase was detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis are also indicated on the right side. Pyrite is present in all samples analyzed and is not included in the plot. Shaded intervals = cores where there was no recovery. Clay phases are indicated where detected in XRD analyses; no indication of their abundance relative to one another or to other phases is implied. It is anticipated that detailed postcruise investigation will extend the distribution ranges for some of these minerals. The terms major, minor, and trace as used here apply to XRD analyses and do not imply quantitative abundances (see "Hydrothermal Alteration" in the "Explanatory Notes" chapter). As the data are still under evaluation, mineral distribution indicated by the portable infrared mineral analyzer (PIMA) is not included in the plot.