Table T4. Summary of lithologic and alteration features of units, Hole 1189B.
Unit Core, section (Piece) Curated depth (mbsf) Curated length
Lithology Alteration


1 1R-1 (1) 31.00 31.29 0.29 Semimassive sulfide with sparse volcanic rock clasts. Fragmental textured massive sulfide and rare soft (GSC altered) vesicular volcanic fragments (2-3 mm in size). Some white apparently anhydrite-replaced samples and chalcopyrite fragments are also present. All cemented in a fine grained pyrite-anhydrite-(quartz) matrix. XRD mineralogy: pyrite, anhydrite, illite, and chlorite/smectite-mixed layer dominant, minor gypsum and chalcopyrite, and traces of sphalerite.
2 1R-1 (2) 31.29 31.39 0.10 Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric rock. Greenish, soft GSC altered moderately vesicular (10% vesicles) volcanic rock with aligned stretched vesicles up to 4 mm x 2 mm in size. Trace pyrite occurs as vesicle lining. XRD mineralogy: pyrite and muscovite dominant and minor chlorite.
3 2R-1 (1-5)3R-1 (1-8) 40.10
Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-anhydrite stockwork matrix. Flow banded, vesicular (submillimeter scale), and perlitic clasts. Some clasts show evidence of rotation. Soft, greenish blue volcanic fragments and rubble cemented in and cut by pyrite-anhydrite-silica stockwork veinlets show ladder textures that parallel and crosscut flow banding in several pieces. Core 3R contains completely altered, clayey, light blue-green clasts with disseminated pyrite (possibly with some amorphous silica) cemented by pyrite + anhydrite - silica. XRD mineralogy: pyrite, gypsum and anhydrite dominant, minor quartz, chlorite, illite, and kaolinite?, and traces of smectite.
4 5R-1 (1-5) 69.30 69.85 0.55 Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-quartz matrix. Complete GSC alteration and disseminated pyrite in volcanic rock clasts. Minor anhydrite lining vugs in Piece 2. Euhedral quartz crystals line vugs in Piece 5. XRD mineralogy: pyrite dominant, minor quartz, K-feldspar, and illite, and traces of chlorite.
5 6R-1 (1-5) 79.00 79.56 0.56 Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in quartz-hematite-pyrite matrix. Some clasts are perlitic. Locally, rare plagioclase phenocrysts and amygdules are truncated at clast margins. Volcanic rock clasts show stockwork of red quartz-hematite and minor gray quartz-pyrite-hematite veins. Rocks are mostly gray, very fine grained and soft, but few clasts are light gray and slightly silicified. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor K-feldspar, plagioclase, pyrite, and chlorite, and traces of illite.
6 6R-1 (6) 79.56 79.67 0.11 Massive sulfide. Massive sulfide rock with 90% pyrite, 9% quartz, and 1% anhydrite.
7 6R-1 (7) 79.67 79.78 0.11 Completely altered, moderately amygdaloidal, aphyric volcanic rock. Soft clayey rock with spotty texture owing to dark gray quartz amygdules. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, and chlorite, and traces of illite.
8 7R-1 (1-2) 88.70 88.92 0.22 Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in an anhydrite-pyrite-quartz matrix. Clasts (maximum diameter 4 cm) are clay altered and some are flow banded or contain submillimeter quartz amygdules. Breccia of soft clayey clasts with 2% disseminated pyrite. Late anhydrite fills vugs. XRD mineralogy: quartz and pyrite dominant, minor k-feldspar, and traces of illite.
9 8R-1 (1-5) 98.40 98.64 0.24 Completely altered, slightly vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock. Contains fine, submillimeter quartz amygdules. Completely GSC altered with patchy silicification. Quartz is a common vesicle fill. Piece 5 has 5% pyrite lining vugs, which also have silicified dark gray halos. The vugs also contain solitary anhydrite crystals. XRD mineralogy: K-feldspar dominant, minor pyrite, chlorite, and illite, and traces of illite-bearing mixed-layer clays.
10 8R-1 (6-8) 98.64 98.75 0.11 Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-quartz matrix. Breccia contains greenish gray very soft and light greenish gray silicified clasts in a pyrite-quartz stockwork.
11 8R-1 (9-16) 98.75 99.15 0.40 Completely altered, silicified, moderately vesicular volcanic rock. Moderately silicified rock with quartz-pyrite-anhydrite amygdules. Vesicles are lined with very fine grained euhedral quartz that is overgrown by pyrite.
12 9R-1 (1-2) 108.10 108.19 0.09 Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-quartz matrix. Clasts (2 cm maximum diameter) are light blue-green and clay rich. Some show remnant flow banding. Very soft clayey rock fragments dissected by pyrite microveinlets. Pyrite is also disseminated.
13 10R-1 (1-3) 117.90 118.23 0.33 Silica-clay altered, moderately amygdaloidal, aphyric volcanic rock. Green silicified rock with vesicles up to 5 mm in size, mostly filled with quartz. Some vesicles are lined by anhydrite-pyrite. Several hairline veins of quartz-anhydrite-pyrite with 1-2 mm dark gray siliceous halos are present. Traces of honey-yellow sphalerite occur around the edges of quartz amygdules. The matrix contains trace chalcopyrite. Quartz dominant, minor chlorite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, and pyrite.


14 10R-1 (4-7) 118.23 118.53 0.30 Silica-chlorite altered, spherulitic, flow banded aphyric volcanic rock. Rocks contains up to 50% white, (clay-altered?) isolated and coalesced spherulites (up to 1 mm), which locally contain silica-pyrite kernels. The groundmass consists of dark green (chloritic?) domains with patches of dark gray silica pyrite and minor wispy domains of anhydrite-quartz. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor chlorite, K-feldspar, anhydrite, pyrite, and illite.
15 10R-1 (8) 118.53 118.67 0.14 Completely altered, silicified, massive, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock. Pervasive silica-pyrite alteration. Light gray domain in one fragment contains abundant, <1-mm, round, quartz crystal aggregates of uncertain origin. XRD mineralogy: cristobalite and plagioclase dominant, minor K-feldspar and chlorite, and traces of pyrite.
16 11R-1 (1-2) 127.60 127.74 0.14 Breccia of completely altered volcanic clasts. Clasts are up to 1 cm in maximum diameter; some are flow-banded and rotated. Soft, light green (chlorite-rich) clasts are completely altered and hosted in a dark gray siliceous matrix. Locally, the matrix also contains very fine grained magnetite. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor anhydrite, k-feldspar, chlorite, chlorite/smectite-mixed layer, smectite, illite, and pyrite.
17 11R-1 (3) 127.74 127.77 0.03 Jasperoidal breccia of completely altered volcanic clasts. Porous, vuggy jasperlitic silica-Fe-oxide with very fine grained disseminated magnetite in patches. Drusy pyrite and shaded anhydrite occur as vug fill. Volcanic clasts are completely altered and green clay (chlorite?) rich. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor anhydrite and pyrite, and traces of hematite.
18 11R-1 (4-8) 127.77 128.03 0.26 Polymict breccia of completely altered volcanic clasts. Clasts (blocky, 50% to 70% of rock, up to 1 cm in maximum diameter) are green, clay-rich, and locally flow-banded, white clay altered, or light gray and siliceous. Complete alteration of volcanic clasts. Green clasts are rich in green clay (chlorite), white, soft clasts are rich in white clay, and gray clasts are silicified (locally with minor magnetite). The dark gray matrix is silica with minor magnetite and pyrite. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor K-feldspar, illite, chlorite, and pyrite, and traces of plagioclase.
19 11R-1 (9-10)11R-2 (1-11)11R-3 (1)12R-1 (1-11)12R-2 (1-14)12R-3 (1-10)13R-1 (1-3) 128.03
Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock. Vesicles are elongate and subvertically aligned. Contains black xenoliths (1 to 2 cm). Silicified groundmass with fine (up to 0.1 mm) spots of clay. Vesicles are generally lined or partially filled with green clay (chlorite) and/or anhydrite and traces of pyrite. Exceptionally large vug in Piece 5 of Section 12R-1 contains green clay, pyrite, barite lining. XRD mineralogy: cristobalite and plagioclase dominant, minor k-feldspar, quartz, chlorite/smectite-mixed layer, smectite, illite, and chlorite.
20 13R-1 (4-9) 147.20 147.49 0.29 Breccia with completely altered volcanic clasts. Locally polymictic in composition (perlitic, flow-banded, amygdaloidal, and glassy clasts). Perlitic clasts are common. Some perlitic clasts have fine, submillimeter stretched amygdules. Light green and light gray clasts are completely clay altered. There are some dark gray silicified clasts. Matrix is quartz-anhydrite with minor pyrite. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase and pyrite, and traces of chlorite and barite.
21 13R-1 (10) 147.49 147.59 0.07 Completely altered, massive, aphyric volcanic rock. Parts of the groundmass are perlitic. Green clay (chlorite) rich, pervasive GSC alteration cut by a fine network of silica-pyrite veinlets. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, and traces of chlorite, illite, and pyrite.
22 14R-1 (1) 156.50 156.60 0.10 Silicified and mineralized, sparsely vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock. Highly silicified and mineralized volcanic rock. Alternating irregular hematite-bearing and hematite-free bands create a layered structure that mimics flow banding. Pyrite abundance (up to 10%) varies between different bands. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor pyrite, and traces of illite.
23 14R-1 (2-17)14R-2 (1-6) 156.60
Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock fragments. Flow banded and perlitic clasts, locally grading into coherent facies. Local evidence for synvolcanic intrusion of molten lava into brecciated facies. This unit is an autoclastic breccia. Completely GSC altered rocks. Flow banding is well preserved in clay-anhydrite rich layers intercalated with rare gray quartz-rich layers. Flow-banded, soft, white to light greenish gray, incipiently silicified clasts (clay > anhydrite > quartz) are set in a quartz-rich gray cement (quartz > clay > anhydrite). Large anhydrite crystals in clasts and matrix, probably late vug fill. Sphalerite in vugs with quartz and pyrite in Pieces 6 and 15 of Section 14R-1. XRD mineralogy: anhydrite and quartz dominant, minor K-feldspar, plagioclase, chlorite, and pyrite.
24 14R-2 (7-8)15R-1 (1) 158.09
Completely altered, brecciated, silicified, sparsely vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock. Highly silicified. Narrow bleached halos along pyrite veinlets. Vugs and vesicles are lined with quartz and pyrite and are overgrown by anhydrite. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor pyrite, plagioclase, and K-feldspar.


25 15R-1 (2-17)15R-2 (1-5)16R-1 (1) 166.16
Brecciated completely altered and silicified, flow banded volcanic rock. Clast supported, with abundant flow-banded clasts (maximum diameter >6 cm). The unit is in parts autoclastic and shows areas of pseudobrecciated texture owing to alteration to light greenish gray material along microcracks associated with virtual loss of flow-banded texture. It is similar to Unit 23, but much more silicified. Overall, the pieces from Section 15R-1 are similar to each other. Flow banding wraps around a black, irregular, vesicular xenolith (Piece 16 in Section 15R-1). Locally, flow banding is overprinted by alteration along fine fractures generating a nodular pseudoclastic texture. (Piece 1 in Section 16R-1 is interpreted as fall back). Rare fine (<0.5 mm) ovoid spots filled with sugary quartz and hematite. XRD mineralogy: cristobalite and plagioclase dominant, minor k-feldspar, illite, and chlorite, and traces of smectite, chlorite/smectite-mixed layer, illite-bearing mixed-layer, and pyrite.
26 15R-2 (6-10)16R-1 (2-10) 167.97
Silicified, sparsely vesicular, sparsely plagioclase-phyric volcanic rock with prominent quartz-(pyrite-magnetite) vein network locally fit generating a jigsaw-fit texture. Plagioclase, (generally 1 vol%), phenocrysts are up to 2 mm (laths or tabular to rounded shapes). Contains rare mafic xenoliths. Silicified rock cut by a fine network of quartz-pyrite and quartz magnetite veins. Siliceous alteration halos (millimeter scale) along veins. Magnetite occurs in halos of quartz-pyrite veins. XRD mineralogy: cristobalite and plagioclase dominant, minor k-feldspar and illite, and traces of illite-bearing mixed-layer, chlorite, smectite, and chlorite/smectite-mixed layer.
27 16R-1 (11-19)16R-2 (1-4) 176.44
Very highly altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock with hieroglyphic groundmass texture. Angular to irregular, shardlike shaped white groundmass domains (up to 3 mm) are embedded in dark gray groundmass. Trace of plagioclase phenocryst laths (up to 2 mm). Vesicles are round to lensoidal (up to 2 cm in maximum dimension) and typically lined by quartz. Very highly altered, silicified rock with fine, white anhydrite/white clay-rich domains (angular irregular shapes, maximum diameters are 1 to 3 mm). Vesicles are lined/filled by drusy quartz and/or anhydrite. Locally chalcopyrite, pyrite, and/or covellite occur in quartz-lined vesicles and on fracture surfaces. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, K-feldspar, chlorite/smectite-mixed layer, and pyrite, and traces of illite.
28 17R-1 (1-3) 185.30 185.58 0.28 Silicified, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock. Highly silicified rocks cut by a fine quartz-pyrite vein with a pale halo (silification overprinting silification). Vesicles are lined by quartz ± traces of pyrite. Some vesicles are filled with quartz-pyrite in the vein halo. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, K-feldspar, and pyrite.
29 17R-1 (4-6) 185.58 185.74 0.16 Breccia of completely altered, flow banded volcanic clasts (maximum diameter >5 cm). There are clasts with folded flow banding, which is truncated at the margins. In one clast, flow banding is wrapping around a black, siliceous xenolith. Flow-banded gray-green silicified volcanic rock with rare dark spots that contain magnetite, hematite, and chlorite. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, and chlorite/smectite-mixed layer.
30 17R-1 (7-18) 185.74 186.26 0.52 Silicified, flow-banded volcanic rock. Strongly silicified volcanic rock. Drusy quartz lined and filled vugs in Pieces 7, 10, and 14. Green clay layers occur in flow-banded pieces. Trace of fresh plagioclase phenocrysts are present in Piece 7. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, and chlorite/smectite-mixed layer.
31 17R-1 (19-20) 186.26 186.34 0.08 Graded, thinly bedded, volcaniclastic sandstone. Contains a variety of fragments including perlitic, porphyritic, and glassy clasts. White, green, and blue clay fragments are hosted in a hard silicified matrix. Pyrite occurs as fine drusy crystals in voids and as fine disseminated crystals. Trace disseminated chalcopyrite. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, pyrite, and illite.
32 17R-1 (21-28)18R-1 (1-2) 186.34
Flow-banded silicified volcanic rock. Flow banding defined by green clay-rich layers. Trace of disseminated magnetite and pyrite. Magnetite occurs in patches of reddish brown clay and as disseminations in Piece 28 of Section 17R-1. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, and chlorite, and traces of illite, illite-bearing mixed layer, and chlorite/smectite-mixed layer.
33 18R-1 (3-6) 195.12 195.45 0.33 Breccia of completely altered, flow-banded volcanic rock. GSC altered clasts, with moderate silicification, set in a dark gray matrix of quartz, hematite, and pyrite. XRD mineralogy: cristobalite and plagioclase dominant, minor quartz, K-feldspar, illite, and chlorite, and traces of illite-bearing mixed layer and pyrite.
34 18R-1 (7-21)18R-2 (1-4) 195.45
Breccia of completely altered flow banded volcanic rock which is locally overprinted by silicification along a fine vein network generating a pseudoclastic texture. GSC altered clasts, with gray silicified blebs and silicification along quartz-hematite vein network. XRD mineralogy: cristobalite and plagioclase dominant, minor quartz, K-feldspar, pyrite, illite, chlorite, and chlorite/smectite-mixed layer, and traces of smectite, illite-bearing mixed layer, talc?, and actinolite?.


35 18R-2 (5-8) 196.78 197.16 0.38 Completely altered, clast-supported polymict breccia with spherulitic and flow-banded clasts (>5 cm in maximum diameter). Abundant evidence for clastic transport including truncated folded flow banding and rotated flow-banded clasts. Various types of silica-sulfate-clay-altered clasts, with quartz-hematite-sulfide-bearing matrix. XRD mineralogy: quartz dominant, minor plagioclase, K-feldspar, and chlorite, and traces of illite and pyrite.
36 18R-2 (9-15) 197.16 197.57 0.41 Breccia of completely altered, flow-banded volcanic rock. GSC altered clasts with quartz-pyrite-bearing matrix.

Notes: GSC = green silica-clay, XRD = X-ray diffraction.