Figure F1. (A) Upper and (B) lower portions of Core 193-1189B-6R (79.0–88.7 mbsf) photographed immediately after extraction from the core liner. Top is to the right. Red jasperoid occurs as central patches in a network of quartz-(pyrite) veins cutting brecciated and altered dacite wallrock. When curating this rubble, a lump (Piece 6, Unit 6) of massive pyrite (just right of center in B) was moved to the left of (i.e., below) the adjacent jasperoid fragment (Piece 5, used for chemical analysis). Amygdaloidal Piece 7 at the far left of B was assigned to Unit 7, and the remainder of the core to Unit 5. Shipboard thin section 1189 116 was prepared from the fragment (curated as Piece 2) at 12–14 cm below the inverted scale in A.