Table T3. Minerals identified in fresh to completely altered whole rocks by XRD analysis, Hole 1189A.
Core, section,
interval (cm)
XRD identification
1R-1, 0–4 0.02 1 SBD Fresh, moderately vesicular, aphyric dacite Plagioclase, opaline silica (augite, quartz, spinel)
1R-1, 12–17 0.12 1 HP Fresh, moderately vesicular, aphyric dacite Plagioclase, opaline silica/volcanic glass (augite)
2R-1, 0–6 9.70 2 HP Moderately altered, dotted, vesicular aphyric dacite Plagioclase (cristobalite)
2R-1, 34–35 10.04 2 SBD Moderately to completely altered, vesicular aphyric dacite Plagioclase, cristobalite (K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer)
2R-1, 77–78 10.47 2 SBD Moderately to completely altered, vesicular aphyric dacite Anhydrite (cristobalite, plagioclase, pyrite, chlorite)
2R-1, 113–115 10.83 4 SBD Hydrothermal breccia with completely altered volcanic clasts Anhydrite, cristobalite (pyrite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, "illite")
2R-1, 126–137 10.97 4 HP Hydrothermal breccia with completely altered volcanic clasts; green clast Anhydrite, cristobalite (K-feldspar, chlorite, illite "mixed-layer clays, halite, rutile")
2R-1, 126–137 10.97 4 HP Hydrothermal breccia with completely altered volcanic clasts; white clast Cristobalite, K-feldspar, plagioclase (anhydrite, pyrite "chlorite?")
2R-1, 126–137 11.00 4 HP Hydrothermal breccia with completely altered volcanic clasts; green clast Cristobalite (K-feldspar, chlorite, illite "pyrite, halite")
3R-1, 0–6 19.40 5 HP Highly to completely bleached, vesicular aphyric dacite Cristobalite, plagioclase (pyrite, chlorite "K-feldspar, halite")
3R-1, 6–10 19.46 5 SBD Highly to completely bleached, vesicular aphyric dacite Plagioclase, cristobalite (pyrite, chlorite)
3R-1, 14–17 19.54 5 KL Highly to completely bleached, vesicular aphyric dacite Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, chlorite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer)
3R-1, 20–22 19.60 5 SBD Highly to completely bleached, vesicular aphyric dacite Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite, illite)
3R-1, 59–63 19.99 6 SBD Hydrothermally fractured volcaniclastic breccia Quartz, anhydrite (pyrite, "illite")
3R-1, 70–73 20.10 7 SBD Bleached and silicified, intensely veined dacite Quartz (K-feldspar, pyrite, "chlorite, illite")
3R-1, 84–89 20.24 7 HP Bleached and silicified, intensely veined dacite Quartz (K-feldspar, pyrite)
4R-1, 14–17 29.24 8 KL Completely altered dacite Quartz, plagioclase (K-feldspar, chlorite, illite, "pyrite")
4R-1, 17–20 29.27 8 SBD Completely altered dacite Quartz (plagioclase, pyrite, chlorite, illite)
4R-1, 21–24 29.31 8 SBD Completely altered dacite Quartz (plagioclase, chlorite, pyrite, "illite")
5R-1, 14–16 38.94 9 SBD Completely altered, hydrothermal breccia with flow-laminated clasts Quartz (anhydrite, chlorite, pyrite, illite)
5R-1, 33–35 39.1 9 RA Completely altered, hydrothermal breccia with flow-laminated clasts Quartz, anhydrite, gypsum (chlorite, illite, "plagioclase")
5R-1, 41–50 39.24 9 HP Completely, domainal, altered breccia with flow-laminated clasts; dominantly green Quartz (anhydrite, chlorite, illite "plagioclase")
5R-1, 41–50 39.24 9 HP Completely, domainal, altered breccia with flow-laminated clasts; dominantly white Quartz, plagioclase (K-feldspar, chlorite, illite "pyrite")
6R-1, 0–5 48.6 9 RA Completely altered, hydrothermal breccia with flow-laminated clasts Anhydrite, gypsum (quartz, chlorite, illite)
7R-1, 4–12 58.41 10 HP Completely altered, slightly vesicular volcanic rock Quartz, plagioclase (K-feldspar, pyrite)
7R-1, 27–28 58.57 10 SBD Completely altered, slightly vesicular volcanic rock Quartz, plagioclase (pyrite, anhydrite, chlorite, illite)
7R-1, 30–33 58.60 10 KL Completely altered, slightly vesicular volcanic rock Quartz, K-feldspar (plagioclase, rhodochrosite, chlorite, illite)
7R-1, 58–59 58.88 11 SBD Completely altered hydrothermal(?) breccia Quartz (anhydrite, pyrite, "illite, chlorite")
7R-1, 95–96 59.25 13 SBD Completely altered hydrothermal(?) breccia Quartz (plagioclase, chlorite, "pyrite, anhydrite")
8R-1, 3–10 68.04 15 HP Poikiloblastically silicified plagioclase-rich volcanic rock Plagioclase, cristobalite (K-feldspar "quartz, pyrite, illite")
8R-1, 31–32 68.31 15 SBD Poikiloblastically silicified plagioclase-rich volcanic rock Plagioclase (quartz, pyrite, "anhydrite, chlorite")
8R-1, 39–41 68.4 15 RA Volcanic rock with patchy silicification and prominent quartz-pyrite veining Quartz, pyrite, plagioclase (cristobalite, chlorite, illite, mixed-layer clays)
8R-1, 42–44 68.42 15 SBD Poikiloblastically silicified plagioclase-rich volcanic rock Plagioclase (quartz, K-feldspar, pyrite, "anhydrite, smectite, chlorite")
8R-1, 90–92 68.90 15 SBD Poikiloblastically silicified plagioclase-rich volcanic rock Plagioclase, quartz (pyrite, K-feldspar, "anhydrite, chlorite, illite)
8R-1, 113–114 69.13 15 SBD Poikiloblastically silicified plagioclase-rich volcanic rock Quartz, plagioclase (chlorite, pyrite")
9R-1, 0–5 77.70 16 KL Completely altered hydrothermal breccia Quartz, plagioclase (anhydrite, chlorite, "illite, pyrite")
9R-1, 16–17 77.86 16 SBD Completely altered hydrothermal breccia Quartz, anhydrite (plagioclase, pyrite, "chlorite")
9R-1, 17–28 77.91 16 HP Completely altered hydrothermal breccia Quartz (plagioclase, anhydrite "pyrite, chlorite")
9R-1, 63–67 78.33 16 KL Completely altered hydrothermal breccia Anhydrite, quartz (plagioclase, gypsum, pyrite, chlorite, "illite")
10R-1, 0–1 87.30 17 SBD Completely bleached moderately vesicular volcanic rock Quartz (plagioclase, pyrite, "chlorite")
10R-1, 38–51 87.69 19 HP Completely altered hydrothermal breccia; gray-green coherent part Quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar (pyrite)
10R-1, 38–51 87.69 19 HP Completely altered hydrothermal breccia; clastic (siliaceous matrix and clasts) Quartz (K-feldspar, anhydrite, pyrite, illite)
10R-1, 38–51 87.69 19 HP Completely altered hydrothermal breccia; green-gray mass Quartz (K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite, illite "anhydrite, halite, gypsum")
10R-1, 38–51 87.69 19 HP Completely altered hydrothermal breccia; gray-green mass Quartz, plagioclase (K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite "halite")
10R-1, 50–51 87.80 19 SBD Completely altered hydrothermal breccia Quartz, anhydrite (plagioclase, pyrite, "chlorite, illite")
10R-1, 77–81 88.07 19 KL Completely altered hydrothermal breccia Quartz, K-feldspar (plagioclase, pyrite, chlorite, "illite")
10R-1, 103–115 88.3 19 RA Completely bleached, moderately vesicular volcanic rock Quartz, plagioclase (pyrite, gypsum, chlorite, illite, "mixed-layer clays")
11R-1, 37–38 97.27 20 SBD Completely silicified, massive, vesicular volcanic rock Quartz (pyrite, illite, chlorite, "anhydrite")
12R-1, 41–50 106.9 20 RA Completely bleached, moderately vesicular volcanic rock Quartz, pyrite, chalcopyrite (illite, "chlorite")
12R-1, 69–70 107.19 20 SBD Completely silicified, massive, vesicular volcanic rock Quartz (illite, pyrite)
12R-1, 83–86 107.33 20 KL Completely silicified, massive, vesicular volcanic rock Quartz (chlorite, illite, pyrite)
12R-1, 83–86 107.33 20 HP Completely silicified, massive, vesicular volcanic rock Quartz (chlorite, illite "pyrite, halite")
12R-1, 120–128 107.70 21 HP Mineralized pumice breccia; separate of pumice fragments Quartz, illite ("anhydrite, pyrite")
13R-1, 24–33 116.34 22 SBD Pervasively bleached moderately vesicular volcanic rock Quartz (chlorite, pyrite, illite)
13R-1, 51–53 116.61 23 HP Polymict volcaniclastic breccia; bulk rock Quartz (albite, pyrite, chlorite "illite")
13R-1, 51–53 116.61 23 HP Polymict volcaniclastic breccia; light green clast Quartz, chlorite (pyrite, illite "halite")
13R-1, 51–53 116.61 23 HP Polymict volcaniclastic breccia; light gray clast Quartz (pyrite, chlorite, illite "halite")
13R-1, 51–53 116.61 23 SBD Polymict volcaniclastic breccia Quartz (plagioclase, pyrite, chlorite, "illite")
13R-1, 62–71 116.72 24 SBD Pervasively bleached sparsely vesicular volcanic rock Quartz (pyrite, "chlorite, illite")

Notes: SBD = shipboard data, HP = postcruise data from H. Paulick, KL = postcruise data from K. Lackschewitz, RA = postcruise data from R. Asada. XRD = X-ray diffraction. The terms major (outside parenthesis), minor (inside parenthesis), and trace (inside both parenthesis and quotation marks) are applied to XRD analyses as explained in "Hydrothermal Alteration," in the "Explanatory Notes" chapter of Shipboard Scientific Party (2002) and do not imply quantitative abundances.