Core, section,
interval (cm) |
(mbsf) |
XRD identification
193-1189B- | |||||
1R-1, 0 | 31.0 |
SBD | Hammer sample (for further explanation see text) | Pyrite (chalcopyrite, illite, "sphalerite") |
1R-1, 0–2 | 31.0 | 1 | SBD | Semimassive sulfide with sparse volcanic rock clasts | Anhydrite (pyrite, chalcopyrite, gypsum) |
1R-1, 0–4 | 31.0 | 1 | RA | Semimassive sulfide with sparse volcanic rock clasts | Anhydrite (gypsum, pyrite, chacopyrite, chlorite) |
1R-1, 20–30 | 31.20 | 1 | SBD | Semimassive sulfide with sparse volcanic rock clasts | Pyrite, illite, chlorite/smectite-mixed-layer ("sphalerite") |
1R-1, 30–31 | 31.30 | 2 | SBD | Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric rock | Pyrite, muscovite (chlorite) |
2R-1, 11–20 | 40.21 | 3 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-anhydrite stockwork matrix | Anhydrite (gypsum, pyrite) |
2R-1, 11–20 | 40.21 | 3 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-anhydrite stockwork matrix | Gypsum, pyrite (anhydrite, illite) |
2R-1, 40–50 | 40.50 | 3 | SBD | Pyrite-anhydrite stockwork matrix | Pyrite, anhydrite, quartz (gypsum) |
2R-1, 40–50 | 40.50 | 3 | SBD | Wallrock sample | Pyrite (illite, chlorite, kaolinite?, "smectite, quartz") |
3R-1, 0–10 | 49.70 | 3 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-anhydrite stockwork matrix | Quartz, pyrite ("illite") |
5R-1, 11–22 | 69.41 | 4 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-quartz matrix | Pyrite (quartz, k-feldspar, illite, "chlorite") |
5R-1, 45–55 | 69.75 | 4 | HP | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in a pyrite-quartz matrix; separate of volcanic clast | Quartz (K-feldspar, chlorite, illite "halite") |
6R-1, 0–12 | 79.00 | 5 | HP | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in quartz-hematite-pyrite matrix; separate of green volcanic clast | Chlorite (quartz, illite "K-feldspar, pyrite, halite") |
6R-1, 23–33 | 79.23 | 5 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts in quartz-hematite-pyrite matrix | Quartz (K-feldspar, plagioclase, pyrite, chlorite, "illite") |
6R-1, 64–74 | 79.64 | 7 | SBD | Completely altered, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite, "illite") |
7R-1, 0–10 | 88.70 | 8 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock clasts | Quartz, pyrite (K-feldspar, "illite") |
8R-1, 7–9 | 98.47 | 9 | SBD | Completely altered, slightly vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | K-feldspar (pyrite, chlorite, illite, "illite-bearing mixed-layer) |
10R-1, 26–27 | 118.16 | 13 | SBD | Silica-clay altered, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (chlorite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, pyrite) |
10R-1, 57–60 | 118.47 | 14 | SBD | Silica-chlorite altered, spherulitic, flow-banded aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (chlorite, K-feldspar, anhydrite, pyrite, illite) |
10R-1, 57–60 | 118.47 | 14 | HP | Silica-chlorite altered, spherulitic, flow-banded aphyric volcanic rock; white bands | Chlorite (quartz, pyrite, illite "K-feldspar, halite") |
10R-1, 57–60 | 118.47 | 14 | HP | Silica-chlorite altered, spherulitic, flow-banded aphyric volcanic rock; green bands | Chlorite (quartz "K-feldspar, pyrite, illite, halite") |
10R-1, 67–69 | 118.57 | 15 | SBD | Completely altered, silicified, massive, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, chlorite, "pyrite") |
11R-1, 0–7 | 127.60 | 16 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic clasts | Quartz (anhydrite, K-feldspar, chlorite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, smectite, illite, pyrite) |
11R-1, 14–16 | 127.74 | 17 | SBD | Jasperoidal breccia of completely altered volcanic clasts | Quartz (anhydrite, pyrite, "hematite") |
11R-1, 19–20 | 127.79 | 18 | SBD | Polymict breccia of completely altered green volcanic clasts | Quartz (k-feldspar, illite, chlorite, pyrite, "plagioclase") |
11R-1, 22–27 | 127.82 | 18 | HP | Polymict breccia of completely altered green volcanic clasts | Quartz (K-feldspar "anhydrite, pyrite") |
11R-1, 63–65 | 128.23 | 19 | SBD | Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, "pyrite, chlorite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, smectite") |
11R-2, 46–47 | 128.74 | 19 | SBD | Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, chlorite, "chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, smectite") |
11R-2, 66–76 | 128.9 | 19 | RA | Very highly altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, smectite) |
11R-2, 89–91 | 129.17 | 19 | SBD | Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, smectite, "chlorite) |
11R-3, 0–29 | 129.72 | 19 | HP | Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar) |
12R-1, 114–115 | 138.44 | 19 | SBD | Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Plagioclase (K-feldspar, quartz, chlorite, "illite, pyrite") |
12R-2, 55–57 | 139.26 | 19 | SBD | Completely altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, quartz, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, "smectite, illite") |
13R-1, 22–24 | 147.22 | 20 | SBD | Breccia with completely altered volcanic clasts | Quartz (plagioclase, pyrite, "chlorite") |
13R-1, 34–36 | 147.34 | 20 | SBD | Breccia with completely altered volcanic clasts | Quartz (pyrite, "barite") |
13R-1, 48 | 147.48 | 21 | HP | Completely altered, massive, perlitic, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (K-feldspar, plagioclase "chlorite?, mixed layer clays?") |
13R-1, 52–54 | 147.52 | 21 | SBD | Completely altered, massive, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, chlorite, illite, pyrite") |
14R-1, 0–10 | 156.50 | 22 | SBD | Silicified and mineralized, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (pyrite, "illite") |
14R-1, 57–58 | 157.07 | 23 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock fragments | Anhydrite, quartz ("plagioclase, chlorite") |
14R-1, 87 | 157.37 | 23 | HP | Breccia of completely altered, flow-banded, volcanic rock fragments | Quartz, anhydrite (plagioclase, K-feldspar, chlorite, illite "pyrite") |
14R-1, 117–119 | 157.67 | 23 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock fragments | Anhydrite, quartz (K-feldspar, plagioclase, chlorite) |
14R-2, 10–11 | 157.89 | 23 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered volcanic rock fragments | Quartz (plagioclase, pyrite, "chlorite") |
14R-2, 29–35 | 158.08 | 24 | SBD | Completely altered, brecciated, silicified, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (pyrite, plagioclase, K-feldspar) |
15R-1, 16–17 | 166.26 | 25 | SBD | Breccia completely altered and silicified volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, illite, chlorite, "smectite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, illite-bearing mixed-layer, pyrite") |
15R-1, 25 | 166.35 | 25 | HP | Breccia completely altered and silicified, flow-banded, volcanic rock; large clast | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar "chlorite, illite") |
15R-1, 25 | 166.35 | 25 | HP | Breccia completely altered and silicified, flow-banded, volcanic rock; groundmass + small clasts | Quartz, cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite, illite) |
15R-1, 124 | 167.34 | 25 | HP | Breccia completely altered and silicified, flow-banded, volcanic rock; green clast | Cristobalite (plagioclase, pyrite, chlorite "illite, K-feldspar") |
15R-1, 124 | 167.34 | 25 | HP | Breccia completely altered and silicified, flow-banded, volcanic rock; gray clast | Cristobalite (quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, chlorite, illite "pyrite, halite") |
15R-1, 128–129 | 167.38 | 25 | SBD | Breccia completely altered and silicified volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, illite, chlorite, "smectite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, illite-bearing mixed-layer, pyrite") |
15R-2, 61–64 | 168.21 | 26 | SBD | Silicified, sparsely vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, illite, "chlorite, smectite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, pyrite) |
16R-1, 36–39 | 176.06 | 26 | SBD | Silicified, sparsely vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar, "illite, illite-bearing mixed-layer, chlorite, smectite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer) |
16R-1, 74–81 | 176.45 | 27 | HP | Very highly altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (K-feldspar, plagioclase "pyrite") |
16R-1, 130–131 | 177.00 | 27 | SBD | Very highly altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, pyrite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer) |
16R-2, 9–10 | 177.22 | 27 | SBD | Very highly altered, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, "pyrite, illite") |
17R-1, 19–20 | 185.49 | 28 | SBD | Silicified, moderately vesicular, aphyric volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite) |
17R-1, 56–60 | 185.87 | 30 | HP | Silicified, flow-banded volcanic rock | Quartz, plagioclase (K-feldspar, pyrite) |
17R-1, 60–63 | 185.90 | 30 | SBD | Silicified, flow-banded volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer) |
17R-1, 65–66 | 189.95 | 30 | SBD | Silicified, flow-banded volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer) |
17R-1, 96–98 | 186.26 | 31 | SBD | Normal graded, thinly bedded, volcaniclastic sandstone | Quartz (plagioclase, pyrite, illite) |
17R-1, 118–122 | 186.48 | 32 | SBD | Flow-banded silicified volcanic rock | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, pyrite, chlorite, "illite, illite-bearing mixed-layer, chlorite/smectite mixed-layer) |
18R-1, 4–12 | 195.05 | 32 | HP | Breccia of completely altered, flow-banded volcanic rock; light gray clasts + silica matrix | Quartz, cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar "pyrite") |
18R-1, 4–12 | 195.05 | 32 | HP | Breccia of completely altered, flow-banded volcanic rock; dark green clasts + silica matrix | Quartz, plagioclase (K-feldspar "pyrite") |
18R-1, 24–25 | 195.24 | 33 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered, flow-banded volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, K-feldspar, illite, chlorite, (illite-bearing mixed-layer, pyrite") |
18R-1, 45–50 | 195.45 | 34 | HP | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock; spherulitic clast | K-feldspar (cristobalite, plagioclase "chlorite") |
18R-1, 45–50 | 195.45 | 34 | HP | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock; groundmass (small clasts + siliceous matrix) | Quartz (cristobalite, K-feldspar, plagioclase "pyrite") |
18R-1, 70–71 | 195.70 | 34 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, K-feldspar, pyrite, illite, chlorite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, "illite-bearing mixed-layer, talc?") |
18R-1, 107–108 | 196.07 | 34 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, K-feldspar, pyrite, illite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, "smectite, illite-bearing mixed-layer, actinolite?") |
18R-1, 124–131 | 196.25 | 34 | HP | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock; bulk rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (K-feldspar "chlorite") |
18R-1, 124–131 | 196.25 | 34 | HP | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock; light gray-green clast | Cristobalite (plagioclase, chlorite "tridymite, K-feldspar, illite") |
18R-2, 0–4 | 196.42 | 34 | HP | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, K-feldspar "chlorite, illite") |
18R-2, 23–24 | 196.65 | 34 | SBD | Breccia of completely altered flow-banded volcanic rock | Cristobalite, plagioclase (quartz, K-feldspar, pyrite, illite, chlorite, chlorite-bearing mixed-layer, "smectite, illite-bearing mixed-layer, actinolite?") |
18R-2, 42–43 | 196.84 | 35 | SBD | Completely altered, clast-supported polymict breccia | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, chlorite, "illite, pyrite") |
18R-2, 48–59 | 196.91 | 35 | HP | Completely altered, clast-supported polymict breccia; spherulitic clast | Cristobalite (K-feldspar, plagioclase, chlorite, illite "tridymite, pyrite, halite") |
18R-2, 48–59 | 196.91 | 35 | HP | Completely altered, clast-supported polymict breccia; flow-banded clast | Plagioclase (quartz, K-feldspar, chlorite, illite "pyrite, halite") |
18R-2, 48–59 | 196.91 | 35 | HP | Completely altered, clast-supported polymict breccia; average groundmass | Plagioclase, quartz (K-feldspar "pyrite") |
18R-2, 48–59 | 196.91 | 35 | HP | Completely altered, clast-supported polymict breccia; small, green clast | Quartz (plagioclase, K-feldspar, chlorite, illite "halite") |
Notes; SBD = shipboard data, RA = postcruise data from R. Asada, HP = postcruise data from H. Paulick. XRD = X-ray diffraction. The terms major (outside parenthesis), minor (inside parenthesis), and trace (inside both parenthesis and quotation marks) are applied to XRD analyses as explained in "Hydrothermal Alteration," in the "Explanatory Notes" chapter of Shipboard Scientific Party (2002) and do not imply quantitative abundances.