This directory contains QuickTime movies for Figure F3 in Chapter 4 and Figure F3 in Chapter 7 in the 194 Initial Reports volume. These movies may be viewed from within the respective chapter PDF file or opened directly from the MOVIES directory. You must install the QuickTime software before you can view the movies. QuickTime 5 software is provided on the CD-ROM but is available only for the Macintosh and Windows platforms. Please see "QuickTime Software" in README.PDF for information on installing the software. Please see \QUIKTIME\README.TXT for information on minimum system requirements. QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks used under license. The QuickTime logo is registered in the U.S. and other countries. IR194_04 (Chapter 4, Site 1193) 04_F03.MOV: QuickTime movie of Figure F3, Video sequence of reentrance of Hole 1193B with an ADCB bit through a previously deployed FFF. The small dial with the arrow attached to the drill string indicates north. The diameter of the FFF is 2.4 m; the outer diameter of the ADCB bit is 18.5 cm (7.25 in). IR194_07 (Chapter 7, Sites 1196 and 1199) 07_F03.MOV: QuickTime movie of Figure F3, Video sequence of bare-rock reentry of Hole 1196B with an ADCB bit without the aid of a free-fall funnel. The small dial with the arrow attached to the drill string indicates north. The diameter of the hole is ~25 cm; the outer diameter of the ADCB bit is 18.5 cm (7.25 in).