Table T3. Parameters used for paleotopographic reconstructions and sea level estimates.
Site 1193
Site 1194

Present-day water depth (W1) 348 m 374 m
Depth below seafloor to the Megasequence B/C boundary 35 mbsf 154 mbsf
Paleowater depths at Megasequence B/C sequence boundary 10-50 m 30-50 m
Total sediment thickness 531 m 422 m

Exponential fit to porosity data (0) 61% 65%
Exponential fit to porosity data (k) 0.001/m 0.002/m
Sediment thickness of postmiddle Miocene load (Ssed) 35 m 154 m
Coordinates of sediment to be decompacted (229-531 mbsf) (154-421 mbsf)
Present-day sediment thickness to be decompacted 302 m 268 m
Decompacted sediment thickness 309 m 323 m
Sediment expansion 7 m 56 m
Isostatic correction:

Density of seawater (w) 1.02 g/cm3 1.02 g/cm3
Bulk density of postmiddle Miocene sediment load (s) 1.67 g/cm3 1.75 g/cm3
Assumed mantle density (m) 3.33 g/cm3 3.33 g/cm3
Estimated sea level change:
Assuming local isostasy (no flexural strength) 12-53 m (32 ± 20 m)
Assuming rigid basement (high flexural strength) 56-116 m (86 ± 30 m)