Table T2. Checklist to assist in the completion of visual core description forms.
1. Double check site/core/hole
2. Describe sediment/rock type:
a. Estimate proportion of carbonate vs. siliciclastic sediment (e.g., 20% clay and 80% carbonate)
b. Identify main constituents (e.g., skeletal, nonskeletal, quartz)
c. Assign principal name (e.g., skeletal grainstone, grainstone with clay)
d. Add size modifier if necessary (e.g., silt-sized)
e. Estimate dolomite content
3. Describe color
4. Describe bioturbation
5. Describe fossils and ichnofossils
6. Describe the consolidation:
Extreme = impossible to scratch or break
Strong = scratches or breaks with difficulty
Moderate = scratches or breaks easily
Poor = firm, resistance to finger pressure, reduced water content
Unlithified = soft with little strength, easily deformed, high water content
7. Describe sedimentary structures
8. Describe sorting
9. Qualitative description of porosity
10. Describe core disturbance
11. Provide a record of all samples taken (e.g., photos, thin sections, smear slides)
12. Assign minor modifiers (e.g., bioclast type)
13. Describe facies and downcore changes in facies (e.g., Pelagic, Hemipelagic, Neritic)
14. Circle your initials
15. Repeat procedure with the next core