3. Site 11921

Shipboard Scientific Party2


Site 1192 (proposed Site CS-13A; Fig. F1) is located in 375 m of water on regional seismic line MAR20 (shotpoint 4126; see Fig. F7 in the "Leg 194 Summary" chapter). The site is located in marginal slope sediments ~40 km east from the margin of the Northern Marion Platform (NMP) drilled during Leg 194. The total sediment thickness at this site was estimated to be ~520 m. Holes 1192A and 1192B penetrated 242.5 and 355.5 m of hemipelagic sediments, respectively.

The main objective at Site 1192 was a feasibility test of the Hydrate Autoclave Coring Equipment (HYACE), including the HYACE Rotary Pressure Core Sampler (H-PCS) developed at the Technische Universität Berlin, and the HYACE/Fugro Vibracore Sampler (HF-VS) developed by Fugro Geotechnical Engineering. The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) has been working with the Technische Universität Berlin to develop an improved gas hydrate sampling and monitoring tool capable of retrieving samples at in situ formation pressure. The H-PCS development was based on the pressure core sampler developed by ODP. Both the H-PCS and the HF-VS are compatible with the advanced piston corer (APC)/extended core barrel (XCB) bottom-hole assembly (BHA) and are being considered for upcoming gas hydrate legs (e.g., Leg 201).

In July 2000, the HYACE team was awarded 72 hr of testing time at the beginning of Leg 194. The developer parties did not specify a particular test site, so ODP chose proposed Site CS-13A, a contingency site of the Leg 194 scientific program. The H-PCS team members were Hans-Jürgen Hohnberg, Michael Koppe, and Karl Eduard Winter. The HF-VS team members were Peter Looijen and Roeland Baas. The ODP observers were Leon Holloway and Eddie Wright. Greg Meyers represented Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO). At the conclusion of the HYACE test, all of those mentioned above departed the vessel and returned to Mackay.

In addition to the engineering test, Site 1192 provided essential information on the facies and age range of Marion Plateau Megasequences B-D, the age and facies of marginal slope sediments shed from the northern carbonate platform, the lithologic signature of basinward unconformities adjacent to the northern platform, and a calibration of regional seismic sequence stratigraphy. Basement was not reached at this site.

1Examples of how to reference the whole or part of this volume can be found under "Citations" in the preliminary pages of the volume.
2Shipboard Scientific Party addresses can be found under "Shipboard Scientific Party" in the preliminary pages of the volume.

Ms 194IR-103