Figure F8.
Photomicrograph showing the lithology of the topmost several centimeters of
Subunit IIIA (Sample 194-1193A-5H-1,
143 cm; 36.5 mbsf). This skeletal packstone contains planktonic (P)
and benthic foraminifers (B). Three stages of cementation are visible in
mud-free interparticle spaces and within the upper portions of the partly
mud-filled planktonic foraminifer tests: (1) a thin coating (~10 µm) of finely
fibrous, inclusion-rich calcite; (2) a thick syntaxial overgrowth of acicular
calcite; and (3) infilling of remaining space by blocky calcite. Blocky calcite
also infills all interparticle spaces that are not mud filled. Some grains, such
as the benthic foraminifer, have limonitic oxidized coloring.