Table T16. Summary of logging operations, Hole 1199A.

Time (local)
21 1715 Hole preparation complete. Rig up wireline.


2240 Uplog with triple combo at 900 ft/hr from 417 mbsf to seafloor.

2200 Pull tools out of hole and rig down.

2300 RIH with NGT-LSS-FMS.
22 0030 Tool cannot pass tight spot at 129.2 mbsf. Pull tools back on the rig floor.

0130 Wiper trip to 186 mbsf.

0600 Hole preparation complete. Rig up wireline.

0630 RIH with NGT-LSS-FMS.

0700 Tool cannot pass tight spot at 129.2 mbsf.

0720 Uplog with NGT-LSS-FMS at 900 ft/hr from 128 mbsf to 87 mbsf.

0745 Tools on the rig floor. Put two pieces of pipe with bow spring at bottom.

0900 RIH with NGT-LSS-FMS.

0915 Tool cannot pass tight spot at 129.2 mbsf.

1000 Pull tools out of hole and rig down.

1015 End of logging operations.

Notes: RIH = run in hole, HNGS = hostile environment natural gamma ray sonde, APS = accelerator porosity sonde, HLDS = high-temperature lithodensity sonde, DITE = dual induction tool, NGT = natural gamma ray tool, LSS = long-spaced sonic tool, FMS = Formation MicroScanner. Drillers total depth = 419.5 mbsf; water depth = 326 mbrf; end of pipe = 69 mbsf.