Table T2. Expanded coring summaries, Sites 1196 and 1199.

Core Date
Core depth (mbsf) Length (m) Recovery
Section Length (m) Section depth (mbsf) Catwalk

1R 30 Jan 0820 0.0 9.6 9.6 0.88 9.2

1 0.88 1.14 0.00 1.14 PAL

Totals: 0.88 1.14

2R 30 Jan 0910 9.6 18.9 9.3 0.63 6.8

1 0.63 0.8 9.60 10.40 PAL

Totals: 0.63 0.8

3R 30 Jan 1005 18.9 28.5 9.6 0.29 3.0

1 0.29 0.36 18.90 19.26 PAL

Totals: 0.29 0.36

4R 30 Jan 1125 28.5 38.2 9.7 0.97 10.0

1 0.97 1.18 28.50 29.68 PAL

Totals: 0.97 1.18

5R 30 Jan 1250 38.2 47.5 9.3 1.80 19.4

1 1.50 1.50 38.20 39.70 EHWR

2 0.30 0.89 39.70 40.59 PAL

Totals: 1.80 2.39

6R 30 Jan 1355 47.5 56.9 9.4 1.40 14.9

1 1.40 1.50 47.50 49.00 PAL

Totals: 1.40 1.50

7R 30 Jan 1455 56.9 66.5 9.6 2.23 23.2

1 1.50 1.41 56.90 58.31

2 0.73 1.12 58.31 59.43 PAL, EHWR

Totals: 2.23 2.53

8R 30 Jan 1525 66.5 76.1 9.6 0.30 3.1

1 0.30 0.42 66.50 66.92 PAL

Totals: 0.30 0.42

9R 30 Jan 1615 76.1 85.8 9.7 1.90 19.6

1 1.47 1.42 76.10 77.52

2 0.43 0.75 77.52 78.27 PAL, EHWR

Totals: 1.90 2.17

10R 31 Jan 0200 85.8 95.4 9.6 1.18 12.3

1 1.18 1.34 85.80 87.14 PAL

Totals: 1.18 1.34

Notes: CC = core catcher (number in parentheses indicates which section the core catcher is stored with). Catwalk samples: PAL = paleontology sample, EHWR = sample request code.  Only a portion of this table appears here. The entire table is available in PDF format.