Table T4. Lithologic units and subunits, Site 1199, and tentative correlation with units defined at Site 1196.

Unit Subunit Hole 1196A Hole 1196B Hole 1199A Description
Core Depth (mbsf) Core Depth (mbsf) Core Depth (mbsf)
I IA 1R-1, 0 13R-2, 100 0.0 117.2 1R-1, 0 17Z-1, 0 0.0 122.9 1R-1, 0 13R-3, 0 0.0 106.2 Dolomitic floatstone/rudstone. Grainstone matrix. Distinctive constituents are centimeter-sized rhodoliths. Dolomitization is not pervasive.

IB 13R-2, 100 14R-2, 20 117.2 125.9 17Z-1, 0 20Z-1, 20 122.9 130.5 13R-3, 0 14R-1, 87 106.2 112.7 Dolomitic floatstone. Constituents include larger benthic foraminifers (seen as molds) and branching red algal debris. Natural gamma ray peak at base.

IC 14R-2, 20 18R-1, 0 125.9 162.8 20Z-1, 20 24Z-1, 0 130.5 145.0 14R-1, 87 15R-1, 49 112.7 121.9 Skeletal rudstone/boundstone with colonial corals. At Site 1199, this facies has been dolomitized and has likely been subaerially exposed.

ID 18R-1, 0 20R-1, 27 162.8 182.2 24Z-1, 0 33Z-1, 0 145.0 184.9 15R-1, 49 19R-1, 0 121.9 159.8 Dolomitic floatstone. Predominant constituents include larger benthic foraminifers, which are commonly dissolved, and branching red algal fragments. Rare coral is present.
II IIA 20R-1, 27 35R-1, 40 182.2 335.9 33Z-1, 0 ? 184.9
19R-1, 0 32R-1, 6 159.8 285.0 Skeletal floatstone/grainstone. Predominant constituents are porcellaneous benthic foraminifers and centimeter-sized mollusk fragments. Nannofossil age is 13.6-18.2 Ma at 218 mbsf and at 316 mbsf at Site 1196. Foraminifer age is 13.3-15.2 Ma throughout the unit. Friable at Site 1196, harder and slightly dolomitized at Site 1199.

IIB 36R-1, 0 37R-1, 30 335.9 345.8

32R-1, 10 45R-1, 10 285.0 410.0 Skeletal grainstone/floatstone. Well sorted. Contains benthic foraminifers, echinoids, red algae, and possibly Halimeda. Floatstone intervals include centimeter-sized rhodoliths. Only poorly recovered at Site 1196 where the upper part shows a partly dolomitized reefal facies.
III IIIA 37R-1, 30 38R-1, 20 345.8 412.7

45R-1, 6 ? 409.9 ? Sucrosic dolostone. Rare relicts of centimeter-sized rhodoliths are preserved. Coarsely crystalline.

Notes: Hole 1196A end of core at 672.2 mbsf, Hole 1196B end of core at 265.3 mbsf, Hole 1199A end of core at 419.5 mbsf. ? = not defined.