8. Site 11971

Shipboard Scientific Party2


Site 1197 (proposed Site CS-08A) is located on the Southern Marion Plateau, 40 km east of the Great Barrier Reef margin and ~5 km southeast of the downcurrent, windward slope of the Southern Marion Platform (SMP) (Fig. F1). The site is located on regional multichannel seismic lines MAR07 (shotpoint 3721) (Fig. F2), MAR65 (shotpoint 645), and MAR 66 (shotpoint 907) in 348 m of water. Two holes were drilled at Site 1197 (Hole 1197A: 0-203.8 meters below sea floor [mbsf]; Hole 1197B: 0-674.9 mbsf) through a 666.6-m-thick sedimentary succession and 8.3 m into a volcaniclastic breccia with underlying basalt, possibly representing acoustic basement. Sediments at this site consist of predominantly periplatform and hemipelagic deposits of wackestone to grainstone textures occurring in water depths >150 m, with the exception of the lowermost sedimentary unit, which was deposited in depths <100 m.

The main purpose of this site was to retrieve a proximal platform margin record of sedimentation on the adjacent carbonate platform for documenting and dating platform growth. In particular, this site reveals a pattern of platform shedding in a downcurrent direction and subsequent current reworking. Furthermore, results from Site 1197 indicate that fluids are flowing out of the adjacent carbonate platform. Site 1197 also documents the age and nature of acoustic basement.

1Examples of how to reference the whole or part of this volume can be found under "Citations" in the preliminary pages of the volume.
2Shipboard Scientific Party addresses can be found under "Shipboard Scientific Party" in the preliminary pages of the volume.

Ms 194IR-108