Table T4. Biostratigraphic datums, Site 1197.

Datum Core, section,
interval (cm)
Depth (mbsf) Mean
absence or
presence or


Acme Emiliania huxleyi 1H-1, 0 to 1H-2, 136 0.00 2.86 1.43 0.08
LO Globigerinoides ruber (pink) 1H-1, 0 to 1H-CC 0.00 6.13 3.07 0.12
FO Emiliania huxleyi 1H-2, 136 to 1H-CC 2.86 5.95 4.41 0.26
LO Pseudoemiliania lacunosa 1H-CC to 2H-CC 5.95 15.50 10.73 0.46
LO Globorotalia tosaensis 1H-CC to 2H-CC 6.13 15.61 10.87 0.65
FO Pulleniatina finalis 3H-CC to 4H-CC 25.22 34.87 30.05 1.30
LO Calcidiscus macintyrei 4H-CC to 5H-CC 34.87 44.20 39.54 1.70
LO Globigerinoides fistulosus 4H-CC to 5H-CC 34.87 44.20 39.54 1.77
LO Globigerinoides extremus 4H-3, 12-14 to 5H-CC 29.22 54.59 41.91 1.80
LO Discoaster brouweri 6H-CC to 7H-1, 28-30 53.61 53.88 53.75 2.00
LO Globorotalia pseudomiocenica 7H-1, 28-30 to 7H-CC 53.88 54.59 54.24 2.30


Dentoglobigerina altispira, Globoquadrina baroemoenensis, Globorotalia siakensis Assemblage depth range (mbsf): 69.2-175; Age range (Ma): 4.8-11.4
LO Sphenolithus heteromorphus 37R-CC to 38R-CC 398.28 412.67 405.48 13.6
FO Sphenolithus heteromorphus 57R-CC to 58R-CC 598.41 607.36 602.89 18.2
Range of Sphenolithus belemnos Found in 61R-CC 631.14 631.14 631.14 18.5-19.3

Note: FO = first occurrence, LO = last occurrence.