9. Site 11981

Shipboard Scientific Party2


Site 1198 (proposed Site CS-05A) is in 319 m of water at the crossing of regional lines MAR07 (shotpoint [SP] 2262) (Fig. F1) and MAR54 (SP 900). This site lies ~10 km northeast of the modern south-central Great Barrier Reef and 13.5 km northwest of Site 1196 (Fig. F2). Two holes were drilled at Site 1198. Hole 1198A penetrated 251.5 meters below seafloor (mbsf), and Hole 1198B penetrated 522.6 mbsf.

Site 1198 is in front of the current-exposed northern margin of the Southern Marion Platform (SMP) at a distance of ~5 km from the platform escarpment. Because of their periplatform setting, sediments at Site 1198 were expected to contain a platform as well as an open marine sedimentary signal. The primary objective of this site was to recover the proximal sequences adjacent to the southern carbonate platform and to provide an age for the initiation and drowning of this platform. In addition, the Megasequence D sediment drift, which overlies the unconformity marking the end of platform growth, will provide information on the Pliocene-Holocene paleoceanography of the Marion Plateau region. A further objective was to investigate the role of fluid flow in this proximal carbonate platform setting.

1Examples of how to reference the whole or part of this volume can be found under "Citations" in the preliminary pages of the volume.
2Shipboard Scientific Party addresses can be found under "Shipboard Scientific Party" in the preliminary pages of the volume.

Ms 194IR-109