Table T7. Interpolated ages of lithologic unit boundaries and seismic reflectors, Site 1198.
  Top of unit Comments
Lithologic unit:
IA 0.0 (0.06?) Extrapolated
IB 62.0 1.0
IIA 200.6 3.8 to 7.6 Hiatus
IIB 234.0 8.3
IIC 330.3 12.0
IIIA 397.6 15.5
IIIB 455.2 17.1
IV 503.6 18.5
V 513.2 18.8 Extrapolated
Seismic sequences and reflectors:
Megasequence D 0 (0.06?) Extrapolated
D-black Not present

D-turquoise 175 2.9
Megasequence C 203 3.8 to 7.7 Hiatus
Megasequence B 320 11.5
Megasequence A Not present

Basement 514 18.8 Extrapolated