Figure F10. Major constituents of silty clay-sized serpentine encountered in smear slides of the fine-sand fraction (63- to 344-µm grain size). A. Four species of flaky serpentine minerals comprising fresh and translucent flakes (Serp-F), dusky and slightly altered flakes (Serp-A1), strongly altered serpentines that were replaced by opaque material (Serp-A2), and serpentines with internal lamellae (Serp-L). B. Serpentine flakes with one specimen exhibiting a euhedral hexagonal outline. C. Chrysotile fibers (Serp-C) under plane-polarized light. D. Chrysotile fibers (Serp-C) under crossed polarizers. E. Detail of Serp-L species. F. Authigenic zeolite-like mineral from a concretionary nodule in black serpentine silty clay.