Table T21. Installation event times (25 March 2001).
10:00:00 Start rig up
12:40:00 Finished placing data logger tool string in drill pipe and performed data logger final check
14:35:00 Top of data logger at 2933 m (drill pipe) and seated in CORK body; seafloor depth = 2943 m (drill pipe)
15:35:00 End of 1-hr calibration
15:37:00 Latched data logger in CORK
15:59:00 Wireline free from data logger; had to use jars to disconnect after not releasing with 7-klb overpull
19:07:00 CORK landed in casing
19:30:00 CORK latched and tested to 20-klb overpull
22:00:00 CORK landing platform in place
23:15:00 J-slot unlatched; CORK released

Notes: Local time = UTC + 10 hr. CORK = circulation obviation retrofit kit.