Figure F43. Abundances of the incompatible elements Ti, P, Na, K, Sr, and Ba vs. Zr, a relatively immobile incompatible element. In each panel abundances increase from Site 884 lavas (and the two Site 1203 picrites) to Site 1203 transitional/tholeiitic lavas to Site 883 lavas to Site 1203 alkalic lavas. In detail, the Site 1203 alkalic basalt divides into two groups in the Ti panel; the Site 883 basalt shows a near-vertical trend to high P (also K and Ba), possibly reflecting apatite formation during alteration; Na, Sr, and Ba are much less incompatible than Zr in the Site 1203 alkalic basalt; the abnormally high Ba in one of the three samples from Unit 23 (Sample 197-1203-51R-4, 93-95 cm) in Table T8, is probably a result of alteration. In contrast to the other elements, no correlation is shown in the K vs. Zr plot—a result that we infer reflects K mobility during postmagmatic alteration. LOI = loss on ignition.