Core, section, piece, interval (cm)
(mbsf) |
Rock name
lithologies |
197-1206A- | |||||||||
2R-1 (Piece 1, 0-6) | 57.00-57.06 | Sharp | N6/ | Matrix supported | Miliolid foraminifers | Spar calcite, sulfides (pyrite and/or calcopyrite?) | Calcilutite | Sandstone with bioclast at top (42-43 cm) sand to gravel-sized pebbles | Back reef/bank facies |
2R-1 (Piece 3, 42-52) | 57.42-57.52 | Sharp undulated | N6/ | Matrix supported | Miliolid foraminifers, bivalves, gastropods (total = 25%); dark particles (5%-10%) | Calcite, sulfides; barren | Calcilutite | Sandstone with bioclasts at top (42-43 cm) sand to gravel-sized pebbles | Back reef/bank facies to subaerial |
4R-1 (Piece 1, 0-5) | 66.10-66.15 | None | 5Y 5/1 | — | Sand-sized grains | Microcrystalline/spar calcite | 2-cm subround pebble | — | Not related to the core depth? |
4R-1 (Piece 1, 0-5) | 66.10-66.15 | None | 2.5Y 7/1 | Cone-shaped macrofossil | Calcareous microfossils (miliolids) and clay particles in adhering material | Silt sized | Fossil | — | Not related to the core depth? |
4R-1 (Piece 1, 0-5) | 66.10-66.15 | None | 2.5Y 7/1 | Matrix supported | Miliolids | Microcrystalline | 3-cm subround pebble | — | Not related to the core depth? |
7R-2 (Piece 24, 102-108) | 87.22-87.28 | Sharp | 10YR 8/2 to 7/5B | Matrix supported | Miliolids, bivalves | Carbonates | Limestone with bioclasts and microfossils | — | Back reef/bank facies |
7R-2 (Piece 25A, 108-115) | 87.28-87.35 | Sharp to gradational along the interface | 10YR 8/2 to 7/5B | Matrix supported | Miliolids, bivalves, and corals | Spar calcite | Limestone with bioclasts and microfossils | — | Back reef/bank facies |
8R-1 (Piece 10, 39-42) | 90.79-90.82 | Sharp | Gray (2.5Y 5/1) | Matrix supported | Sand-sized rounded volcanic grains | Carbonate-rich cement | Calcilutite | Sandstone | Back reef/beach? |
8R-1 (Piece 23, 94-97) | 91.34-91.37 | Sharp | Light bluish gray (8/5BG) | Matrix to grain supported | CaCO3-rich silt-clay and rounded to subangular grains | Carbonate-rich cement | Finely laminated limestone (95-97 cm) | Fine-grained sandstone (93-95 cm) | Low-energy setting |
8R-1 (Piece 26, 104-111) | 91.44-91.51 | Sharp | Gray (5Y 5/1) | Matrix to grain supported | Miliolids (<5%) | Silty-clay | Siltstone and grainstone | Limestone and calcilutite | Beach deposit? |
8R-1 (Piece 29, 120-123) | 91.60-91.63 | Sharp | Gray (5Y 5/1) | Grain supported | Fossil barren | Spar calcite | Grainstone | Limestone and calcilutite | Beach deposit? |
8R-1 (Piece 30, 123-128) | 91.63-91.68 | Sharp | Gray (5Y 5/1) | Clay supported | CaCO3-rich silt-clay | Silty-clay | Siltstone | Limestone | Beach deposit? |
24R-4 (Piece 8, 54-57) | 197.67-197.70 | Sharp | 5Y 5/1 to 10YR 6/1 | Matrix supported* | Inorganic calcite (~5%-80%), organic calcite (~5%-50%), pyrite (5%-10%), Fe oxides (~2%-10%), clay (~20%-30%), gypsum (~5%-10%), and feldspar (~Tr-7%)†; miliolids (~40%-60%), rounded lithics (10%), and 20%-30% spar calcite‡ | (1) Lime mud; (2) spar calcite | (1) Sandy claystone | (2) Six ~0.4-mm laminations of coarse to medium calcarenite (biosparite**) | Back reef/bank facies to low energy setting |
27R-1 (Piece 10, 82-98) | 220.62-220.78 | Sharp | Greenish gray (5GY 5/1) to dark greenish gray (6/1) | Silt, clay, and miliolid foraminifers (15%) | Calcareous silty-clay | Silty-claystone with microfossils | Lava flow | Back reef/bank facies | |
27R-1 (Piece 12, 108-112) | 220.88-220.92 | Gradational | 5GY 6/1 | Lime mud matrix supported | Miliolids and cylindrical spicula (~15%-30%) | CaCO3-rich clay | Limestone with bioclasts and microfossils (= biomicrite) | Lava flow | Back reef/bank facies |
27R-1 (Piece 13, 112-117) | 220.92-220.97 | Sharp | 5GY 6/1, and black (2.5/) | Lime mud matrix supported | Silt-sized particles, miliolids (~20%), and volcanic ash-rich grainstone | CaCO3-rich silty clay | Microfossil-rich limestone (= bicrite) | Fine volcaniclastic grainstone | Back reef/bank facies |
40R-1, 101-111 | 307.51-307.61 | Gradational | Dark reddish brown (10R 3/4) | Red silty-clay + basalt | Fe oxide-rich, clay mineral, clay, and opaque minerals; basalt | Fe oxide-rich clay | Red claystone | — | Subaerial/weathered flow top |
40R-2, 0-150 | 307.61-309.11 | Gradational | Dusky brown (5YR 2/2) to very dusky red (10R 2/2) | Red silty-clay + basalt | Fe oxide-rich, clay mineral, clay, and opaque minerals; basalt | Fe oxide-rich clay | Red claystone | — | Subaerial/weathered flow top |
40R-3, 0-77 | 309.11-309.88 | Gradational/sharp | Dark brown (10YR 2/2) | Red silty-clay + basalt | Fe oxide-rich, clay mineral, clay, and opaque minerals; basalt | Fe oxide-rich clay | Red claystone | — | Subaerial/weathered flow top |
Notes: * = the two materials of the thinly layered limestone piece are referred to as sandy claystone and lamination of biosparite. † = semiquantitative percent composition determined from smear slide observation of the lime mud part (N = 4), ‡ = stereoscope microscope observation of the submillimeter layers within Piece 8. ** = Folk's (1962) classification of carbonate textures. — = undefined.