Table T6. Summary of XRD data showing relative importance of components based on peak heights. Hand specimen lithology and revised lithology based on XRD data are also given.
Core, section,
interval (cm)
Field description
(hand specimen)
XRD results
Classification (based on
XRD and field description)
46R-1, 77–79 Limestone A M A Calcareous chert
46R-1, 141–144 Chert A M Chert
47R-2, 39–42 Chert A M Chert
47R-2, 75–79 Limestone M M A Limestone
7R-CC, 0–3 Chert A M Chert
12R-1, 22–27 Porcellanite M A A Calcareous porcellanite
21R-1, 36–40 Chert A M Chert
1R-1, 57–59 (1) Chert A M Chert
1R-1, 57–59 (2) Chert A M Chert
3R-1, 41–43 Chert A M Chert
3R-1, 73–75 Chert A M Chert
4R-1, 34–36 Porcellanite A C M Porcellanitic chert
4R-1, 106–108 Chert A M Chert
7R-1, 59–61 Chert A M Chert
7R-1, 97–99 Porcellanite A C C Porcellanitic chert
9R-1, 59–61 Chert A M Chert
9R-1, 124–127 Chert A M Chert
10R-1, 8–10 Limestone A Limestone
19R-1, 59–63 Chert A Chert
19R-1, 96–99 Chert A M Chert
19R-1, 103–105 Limestone A M A Siliceous limestone
22R-1, 120–125 Chert A M Chert
25R-1, 22–26 Limestone A Limestone
25R-1, 70–76 (1) Chert A M Chert
25R-1, 70–76 (2) Chert A M Chert
26R-1, 53–55 Chert A M Chert
26R-1, 66–70 Chert A M Chert
27R-1, 78–82 Chert A M Chert

Notes: XRD = X-ray diffraction. A = abundant, C = common, M = minor. — = not present.