Hole 1217A Smear Slides Sample Texture Mineral Biogenic Leg Site Hole Core Coretype Section Top Interval (cm) Depth (mbsf) Lithology Sand Silt Clay Calcite (30) Clay Mineral (47) Dolomite (62) Fe Oxide (68) Feldspar (71) Opaques (140) Quartz (172) Volcanic Glass Shard (247) Zeolite (222) Nannofossils (132) Radiolarians (173) Silicoflagellates (189) Sponge Spicules (199) Comments 199 1217 A 1 H 1 85 0.85 D 100 94 1 1 4 Clay 199 1217 A 1 H 1 124 1.24 D 100 85 2 5 8 Clay 199 1217 A 1 H 3 64 3.64 D 100 80 5 5 10 Clay with zeolites 199 1217 A 1 H 3 142 4.42 D 100 89 2 1 8 Clay 199 1217 A 1 H 4 20 4.7 D 100 91 1 2 1 5 Clay 199 1217 A 1 H CC 0 5.25 D 100 72 1 2 15 10 Clay with glass and zeolites 199 1217 A 2 H 1 90 6.4 D 100 88 1 5 1 5 Clay 199 1217 A 2 H 2 24 7.24 M 100 75 5 20 Clay with zeolites 199 1217 A 2 H CC 0 15.1 D 100 59 1 40 Zeolite clay 199 1217 A 3 H 5 40 21.4 D 100 85 15 Clay with zeolites 199 1217 A 4 H 1 72 25.22 D 100 80 5 15 Clay with zeolites 199 1217 A 4 H 1 102 25.52 M 100 20 5 75 Zeolite clay 199 1217 A 4 H 2 10 26.1 M 80 20 20 5 75 Volcanic glass with clay 199 1217 A 4 H 2 28 26.28 M 100 10 15 75 Zeolite clay with opaques 199 1217 A 4 H 2 30 26.3 M 100 10 5 85 Zeolite clay 199 1217 A 4 H 2 90 26.9 D 100 15 2 80 3 Nannofossil ooze with clay 199 1217 A 4 H 3 30 27.8 D 100 20 75 5 Nannofossil ooze with clay 199 1217 A 4 H 4 5 28.05 D 100 30 60 10 Clayey nannofossil ooze with radiolarians 199 1217 A 4 H 4 14 28.14 M 70 20 10 90 10 Volcanic glass with nannofossils 199 1217 A 4 H 4 30 28.3 D 100 15 5 5 15 60 Nannofossil ooze with clay and zeolites 199 1217 A 4 H 4 70 28.7 D 100 20 5 15 60 Nannofossil ooze with clay and zeolites 199 1217 A 4 H 4 100 29 D 100 25 5 5 15 50 Clayey nannofossil ooze with zeolites 199 1217 A 4 H 4 130 29.3 D 100 20 3 2 5 60 10 Nannofossil ooze with clay and radiolarians 199 1217 A 4 H 5 5 29.55 D 100 25 5 5 5 40 20 Clayey nannofossil ooze with radiolarians 199 1217 A 4 H 5 80 30.3 D 100 25 5 5 50 15 Clayey nannofossil ooze with radiolarians 199 1217 A 4 H 6 50 31.5 M 100 20 5 5 10 40 20 "Nannofossil ooze with clay, radiolarians, and volcanic glass" 199 1217 A 4 H 7 60 33.1 D 100 65 1 20 2 Clay with volcanic glass 199 1217 A 4 H 7 80 33.3 D 100 60 10 5 5 20 Clay with radiolarians and iron oxides 199 1217 A 5 H 1 65 34.65 D 100 70 5 5 1 20 Clay with zeolites 199 1217 A 5 H 1 92 34.92 D 100 70 10 5 15 Clay with zeolites and iron oxides 199 1217 A 5 H 3 15 37.15 D 100 70 10 5 15 Clay with zeolites and iron oxides 199 1217 A 5 H 3 56 37.56 M 100 10 3 87 Zeolite clay 199 1217 A 5 H 7 70 43.7 D 100 60 10 5 25 Zeolite clay with iron oxides 199 1217 A 5 H CC 0 43.88 M 100 10 5 85 Zeolite clay 199 1217 A 6 H 2 82 45.41 D 100 85 5 5 5 Clay 199 1217 A 6 H 3 4 46.13 M 100 30 5 5 60 Zeolite clay 199 1217 A 6 H 5 49 49.08 D 100 65 5 5 25 Zeolite clay 199 1217 A 6 H CC 0 50.57 D 100 65 10 10 15 "Clay with zeolites, Fe-oxides and opaques" 199 1217 A 7 H 1 140 52.1 D 100 20 5 75 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 2 60 52.8 D 100 25 5 70 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 7 H 2 140 53.6 D 100 20 5 75 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 3 22 53.92 M 100 10 90 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 4 40 55.6 D 100 20 5 71 1 3 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 4 57 55.77 D 100 25 5 70 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 7 H 6 128 59.48 D 100 15 * 5 75 5 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 6 130 59.5 M 100 30 5 5 57 3 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 7 H 6 132 59.52 M 100 10 87 3 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 6 140 59.6 M 100 15 * 82 3 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 6 146 59.66 D 100 15 5 5 70 5 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H 7 50 60.2 D 100 20 5 * 7 64 4 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 7 H CC 0 60.27 D 100 15 75 10 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 9 H 2 71 62.95 M 100 15 1 * 80 4 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 9 H 3 33 63.42 D 100 30 2 * 65 3 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 9 H 5 113 67.22 D 100 30 5 63 2 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 10 H 1 120 71.9 D 100 30 * 70 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 10 H 2 35 72.55 M 100 50 10 40 Radiolarian clay with Fe oxides 199 1217 A 10 H 2 85 73.05 M 100 15 2 80 1 2 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 A 11 H 1 100 81.2 D 100 32 5 60 3 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 11 H 3 128 84.48 M 100 28 10 * 60 2 Clayey radiolarian ooze with iron oxides 199 1217 A 11 H 4 120 85.9 M 100 25 * * 70 5 Clayey radiolarian ooze 199 1217 A 11 H CC 17 90.11 D 100 93 5 2 * Clay (dominant near base of core) 199 1217 A 12 H 1 50 90.2 D 100 85 5 3 * 7 Clay 199 1217 A 16 X 1 10 128.2 D 100 5 5 1 1 88 "Nannofossil chalk (15% whole, 75% fragments/micrite)" 199 1217 A 16 X 1 42 128.52 M 100 10 10 1 1 78 Nannofossil chalk with dolomite and clay (10% whole) 199 1217 A 16 X 1 54 128.64 M 100 59 10 1 1 29 Nannofossil claystone with dolomite (5% whole) 199 1217 A 16 X 1 84 128.94 M 100 10 20 10 10 50 "Nannofossil chalk with clay, calcite, and dolomite" 199 1217 A 16 X 1 96 129.06 D 100 5 5 1 1 88 Nannofossil chalk 199 1217 A 16 X 2 73 129.97 M 100 5 15 1 1 5 73 Nannofossil chalk with clay Hole 1217B Smear Slides Sample Texture Mineral Biogenic Leg Site Hole Core Coretype Section Top Interval (cm) Depth (mbsf) Lithology Sand Silt Clay Calcite (30) Chert (43) Clay Mineral (47) Dolomite (62) Fe Oxide (68) Feldspar (71) Felsic Glass Shards (234) Opaques (140) Quartz (172) Volcanic Glass Shard (247) Zeolite (222) Nannofossils (132) Radiolarians (173) Silicoflagellates (189) Sponge Spicules (199) Comments 199 1217 B 2 H 3 102 24.02 D 100 80 10 10 Clay with zeolites and Fe-oxides 199 1217 B 2 H 4 80 25.3 D 100 60 10 30 Clay with zeolites and Fe-oxides 199 1217 B 2 H 4 142 25.92 M 100 25 5 70 Zeolite clay 199 1217 B 2 H 5 20 26.2 D 100 5 75 15 5 Clay with Fe-oxide 199 1217 B 2 H 5 110 27.1 D 100 15 5 80 Nannofossil ooze with clay 199 1217 B 2 H 6 68 28.18 D 100 15 5 10 55 10 5 Nannofossil ooze with radiolarians and glass 199 1217 B 2 H CC 18 28.42 M 100 10 60 30 Nannofossil-rich volcanic glass with clay 199 1217 B 3 H 1 33 29.83 D 100 45 10 5 20 20 "Clay with nannofossils, radiolarians and Fe-oxide" 199 1217 B 3 H 2 16 31.16 D 100 50 20 30 Radiolarian clay with Fe-oxide 199 1217 B 3 H 2 110 32.1 D 100 65 10 5 20 Clay with radiolarians and Fe-oxide 199 1217 B 3 H 3 63 33.13 D 100 90 10 Clay with Fe-oxides 199 1217 B 3 H 3 96 33.46 M 100 15 5 20 60 Radiolarian ooze with volcanic glass and clay 199 1217 B 3 H 4 60 34.6 M 100 85 5 10 Clay with zeolites 199 1217 B 3 H 5 59 36.09 M 100 80 5 5 10 Clay with zeolites 199 1217 B 3 H 6 60 37.6 D 100 70 20 10 Clay with Fe-oxides and zeolites 199 1217 B 3 H CC 10 39.2 D 100 70 20 10 Clay with Fe-oxides and zeolites 199 1217 B 4 H 1 75 39.75 D 100 50 10 40 * Radiolarian clay with iron oxides 199 1217 B 4 H 1 128 40.28 M 100 65 5 * 30 radiolarian clay 199 1217 B 4 H 2 82 41.32 M 100 60 35 * 5 * iron oxide clay (altered ash?) 199 1217 B 4 H 2 92 41.42 M 100 85 5 * 5 5 Clay 199 1217 B 4 H 5 90 45.9 D 100 65 20 * * 15 Clay with iron oxides and zeolites 199 1217 B 5 H 1 76 49.26 D 100 15 5 80 * Radiolarian ooze with clay. Trace of Astrosphaerins 199 1217 B 5 H 2 124 51.24 M 100 70 10 5 5 10 Chert with clay and radiolarians 199 1217 B 5 H 4 70 53.7 M 100 20 10 70 * Radiolarian ooze with clay and iron oxides 199 1217 B 5 H 5 38 54.88 M 100 10 * 88 2 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 B 5 H 5 95 55.45 M 100 10 5 85 * Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 B 5 H 6 20 56.2 D 100 15 5 78 2 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 B 6 H 1 74 58.74 D 100 20 10 70 Radiolarian ooze with clay and Fe-oxides 199 1217 B 6 H 2 47 59.97 M 100 20 5 75 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 B 6 H 2 50 60 M 100 22 8 70 * Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 B 6 H 3 74 61.74 M 100 10 3 70 17 Volcanic glass with radiolarians and clay 199 1217 B 6 H 6 78 66.28 M 100 20 * 80 * Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 B 6 H 7 25 66.76 D 100 30 15 55 * Clayey radiolarian ooze with Fe-oxide Hole 1217C Smear Slides Sample Texture Mineral Biogenic Leg Site Hole Core Coretype Section Top Interval (cm) Depth (mbsf) Lithology Sand Silt Clay Clay Mineral (47) Fe Oxide (68) Felsic Glass Shards (234) Opaques (140) Zeolite (222) Nannofossils (132) Radiolarians (173) Silicoflagellates (189) Sponge Spicules (199) Comments 199 1217 C 2 H 1 67 32.67 D 100 25 5 5 55 5 5 Nannofossil ooze with clay 199 1217 C 2 H 2 114 34.64 D 100 95 4 1 Clay 199 1217 C 2 H 3 28 35.28 D 25 75 35 5 25 35 Clayey glassy radiolarian ooze 199 1217 C 2 H 5 2 38.02 M 100 85 5 5 5 Clay 199 1217 C 3 H 1 70 42.2 D 100 50 5 45 Radiolarian clay 199 1217 C 3 H 2 60 43.6 D 100 85 5 10 Clay with radiolarians 199 1217 C 3 H 2 103 44.03 D 100 90 5 5 Clay 199 1217 C 3 H 6 70 49.7 D 100 89 5 2 1 3 * Clay 199 1217 C 4 H 2 50 53 D 100 20 5 * 74 1 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 C 4 H 4 80 56.3 D 100 25 10 5 60 Radiolarian ooze with clay and Fe-oxides 199 1217 C 4 H 4 120 56.7 D 100 10 5 85 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 C 4 H 5 12 57.12 M 100 15 5 80 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 C 5 H 1 100 61.5 D 100 20 5 75 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 C 5 H 1 142 61.92 M 100 5 95 Radiolarian ooze 199 1217 C 5 H 1 143 61.93 D 100 10 5 85 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 C 5 H 4 110 66.1 D 100 20 10 70 Radiolarian ooze with clay and Fe-oxides 199 1217 C 5 H 6 64 68.64 D 100 10 9 1 80 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 C 6 H 1 130 71.3 D 100 15 10 75 Radiolarian ooze with clay and opaques 199 1217 C 6 H 3 25 73.25 D 100 15 5 80 Radiolarian ooze with clay 199 1217 C 6 H 3 60 73.6 D 100 20 10 70 Radiolarian ooze with clay and opaques 199 1217 C 6 H 5 80 76.8 D 100 20 10 70 Radiolarian ooze with clay and Fe-oxides 199 1217 C 6 H 7 30 79.3 D 100 20 10 70 Radiolarian ooze with clay and iron oxides