Table T1. Summary statistics of in-house sediment standards used for carbon and biogenic silica analyses. First digestions of talc and second digestions of residues (1218C Composite Standard and reagent grade talc) suggest that silica contamination from clay mineral dissolution is low.
Sediment standard
Average (wt%)
Standard deviation (wt%)


Midway in-house W8709A-5BC:5–20 cm NE Pacific hemipelagic
2.64 ±0.02 523 Total carbon
Midway in-house W8709A-5BC:5–20 cm NE Pacific hemipelagic
0.85 ±0.01 570 Organic carbon
1218C composite Cores 199-1218C-18X and 21X Radiolarian ooze 32.2 ±2 87
1218C composite residue Cores 199-1218C-18X and 21X Residue from KOH digestion of radiolarian ooze 1.6 ±0.69 9 Second digestion of sediment residue
1219A composite Cores 199-1219A-19H through 27X Radiolarian ooze 56.3 ±1.7 52
1098B composite Section 178-1098B-3H-4 Diatom ooze 31.2 ±1.4 14 This study
1098B composite Section 178-1098B-3H-4 Diatom ooze 32 ±2 41 Previous work
Reagent-grade talc
1.5 ±0.3 26
Talc residue
Residue from KOH digestion of talc 0.4 ±0.3 7 Second digestion of sediment residue

Note: N = number of analyses.