Table T1. PCS operations, Leg 201.
Core top
Total gas
1225A 29P 10 Feb Chr 0530 262.2 12007
5941 ~20 1.41* 70
1225C 32P 13 Feb RBI-t 0330 293.8 48007
5987 ~80 1.00 ND
1226B 42P 22 Feb Chr 1010 378.0 6208 6222 5429 115 1.66* 60
1226E 21P 25 Feb RBI-t 0230 378.0 0 14 5429 0 1.00 ND
1227A 15P 1 Mar RBI-t 2140 129.1 0
837 0 0.00 ND
1228A 23P 5 Mar RBI-t 1300 198.9 >357
697 ~5 0.07 60
1229D 10P 9 Mar Chr 1230 77.8 4207
337 ~125 0.86 28808
1230A 7P 12 Mar Chr 0330 52.3 6304 6292 7569 83 1.50* 1160
1230A 16P 13 Mar Chr 0300 127.3 7940 7808 7679 102 1.05* 3110
1230A 20P 13 Mar RBI-s 1515 156.8 5930 5944 7723 77 0.66 6350
1230A 25P 14 Mar RBI-s 0425 196.8 8060 8067 7782 104 0.189 19010
1230A 36P 15 Mar Chr 0745 254.6 8086 8110 7867 103 0.43 1160
1230A 39P 15 Mar Chr 2305 276.8 280 254 7899 3 0.62 1530
1230B 4P 17 Mar Chr 0524 22.0 7400 7421 7524 99 1.00 82511
1230B 10P 17 Mar Chr 1533 71.5 7450 7430 7597 98 1.00 1145
1230B 14P 18 Mar RBI-s 0740 103.0 8030 8044 7643 105 1.62* 1765
1230E 5P 18 Mar Chr 2300 34.0 6183 6143 7542 81 1.00 26012

Notes: 1 = cutting shoes shown in Figure F2. 2 = ship local time. 3 = initial pressure after correcting final pressure to 14 psi. 4 = expected pressure assuming hydrostatic loading. 5 = some cores (*) collected a 1.00-m core under pressure and additional sediment in the extended shoe. 6 = total gas including air trapped in the tool during deployment. 7 = transducer not operating, pressure measured by gauge after potential loss of gas (air). 8 = entire gas volume consisted of air. 9 = maximum estimate of core length. 10 = an unknown amount of gas was lost at high pressure when the port clogged. 11 = total gas volume includes significant air (>100 mL). 12 = an unknown amount of gas was lost at low pressure. Chr = Christensen auger shoe with carbide cutters. RBI-t = Rock Bit International taped auger with polycrystalline diamond compact cutters. RBI-s = Rock Bit International standard with polycrystalline diamond compact cutters. ND = not detected.