(Feb 2002) |
(GMT - 7 hr) |
Tool depth
(mbsf) |
22 | 1900 |
Last core on deck |
22 | 1900-2330 |
Wiper trip; hole displaced with 220 bbl of sepiolite; bottom of pipe set at 80 m |
22 | 2330-0100 |
Logging rig-up |
23 | 0130 |
Start going downward with triple combination tool string: TAP/DIT-E/HLDT/APS/HNGS/SGT |
23 | 0325 | 0 | Stop 5 min at mudline for temperature calibration |
23 | 0335 | 80 | Tool string in open hole |
23 | 0407 | 423 | Tool at TD; start logging upward at 900 ft/hr |
23 | 0528 | 70 | Tool back inside pipe; speed up to 1500 ft/hr to log mudline |
23 | 0537 | 0 | Mudline indicated by gamma ray at 3309 m below rig floor |
23 | 0540 | -26 | End of pass 1; standing 5 min and start going back downward |
23 | 0545 | 80 | Tool string in open hole |
23 | 0604 | 423 | Tool at TD; start logging upward pass 2 at 900 ft/hr |
23 | 0640 | 286 | End of pass 2 |
23 | 0705 | 80 | Tool back inside pipe; speed up to 8000 ft/hr |
23 | 0850 | 0 | Tool back on rig floor |
23 | 1030 |
Finish rig-down |
Notes: UTC = Universal Time Coordinated. TD = total depth. TAP = LDEO Temperature/Acceleration/Pressure tool, DIT-E = Dual Induction Tool, HLDT = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Tool, APS = Accelerator Porosity Sonde, HNGS = Hostile Environment Gamma Ray Sonde, SGT = Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool.